Fun Pocket idea: buy Pocket using the rewards from this post!

Just for fun, I'll use all of the SBD reward from this post (however much it is) to buy POCKET tokens from the OPEN.SBD/POCKET market on Bitshares! I'll do it inefficiently, which is to say that I'll throw all the SBD at the order book all at once and buy at whatever price that ends up being. If I pay $1 per token, so be it. Then I'll gift the purchased POCKET (net of @pocketexchange fees) to people who are growing the Pocket ecosystem.
It's partially a social experiment; how will people act when they know for sure that a predictable value of tokens will be bought at a more-or-less predictable time? Will a Pocket bull buy a bunch low to guarantee that he'll be able to sell high? (For that matter, do we even have any Pocket bulls?) Anyway, whatever. Looking forward to what comes.
As always, if you need a Bitshares account so you can trade POCKET IOU tokens issued by @virtualgrowth, you can sign up for Bitshares using this link.
And find instructions for using the @pocketexchange service here.
@biophil, I like you. I like what you do! You are cool! I'm still waiting on my candybar!
Here's a 100% upvote.
I'm personally going to hoard POCKET on BTS for the time being. IT'S MINE, DAMMIT! PRY MY POCKET FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!
Well thanks! Still looking for a good way to get you your candy bars...
Thank you for your support and would you please kindly leave some pocket from some of others? :)
If you're lucky!
Great piece of work, gave you my full UV!
Upvoted! Awesome experiment to see what it does to pocket. You can be the bull on your own token, how cool is that :)
There is the beginnings of a market on Bitshares! There are some buy and sell orders.
Hmm, this will be interesting. Better place some buy orders for myself, I think if you get enough SBD, you could significantly affect the price of pocket tokens.
I am a big fan of pocket. I hodl mine for now.
Quit interesting. Especially since (almost) nobody is buying POCKET on bitshares.
Whoever eric17 is seems to want to collect POCKET.
i upvoted and resteemed this buddy, will i get my share of POCKET?
What? No. Only people who resteemed the original Genesis post got free ones. But I'll send you a couple for fun.
Successful Send of 101
Sending Account: biophil
Receiving Account: rldiamond
New sending account balance: 835068
New receiving account balance: 1099
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: d4636196a9d8f23ec2aca0cd8f71e74cdde8a9c0
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.
Hello I just wanted to share that I upvoted your really cool bot @thing-2. So awesome!! I am still learning how the crypto world works. I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you Thank you for upvoting my comment. Come say Hi sometime on my page. :)
Wishing you an abundance of crytocurrencies!!
🎀 @theprettysoul 🎀