Purpose, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #poem6 years ago


When pain consumed your heart
When you feel all alone on earth
Focus on your potentials and your path
Maintain an inner peace and listen to the beats of your heart
For every beat, there is a purpose to live for
For every breath, there is still some good left to do
Your existence is way beyond you, so don’t live for self
Look beyond the horizon and seek always for a purpose

The world is turning from what we used to know
Every step you take you see people in pain every then and now
Everyone focuses on going to their farms to plough
While waiting and smiling on heavens to rain from the cloud
We all gather our crops and the excess from our bough
Without leaving anything for others even as they sow
Let us seek for more purpose as we journey in life
We are all here to make life better for everyone


I would rather love a day and touch many lives
Rather than live for hundred years and not serve a purpose
Why are we here if not to make life bearable for others?
What we go through in life shouldn't turn us into monsters
We all have pains, worries, and fears, I sure do
Making others happy should be our driving force
Making others smile should alleviate our own worries
This is a wonderful purpose for everyone to pursue

I am thankful for all those I have met
It’s my motivation, so for others,​ I can pet
When it is sunny you can be sure the ground for you I will wet
On doing good and touching lives my heart has been set
Sometimes we wait till a whole lot we get
Every little bit surely helps, you bet
It moves people from sadness to happiness faster than jet
Live for others out of the many fishes you caught with your net

What motivates you? What are you living for? If it is not making another person better, then it needs to be revisited. We are all learning in life. We learn as we live, we evolve into a finer person as we grow.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium

I do not know you, but your eyes do not lie. Follow the path of your heart. That is the best.

Things are tough when all the good suddenly gets worse, and it's more difficult when it comes to deciding to hold or let go. Companions are those who may not be with you when you succeed, but those who must be with you when you fall.

Never be afraid of change. We may lose something good, but instead, something much better will come to pick us up.

Do not give up on your dreams, dreams give you a purpose in life. Remember, success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success. Spirit.

Do not fall when you are in the worst situation. God gave it to you, because He wants you to be stronger than ever.

When we feel betrayed and let down, pray that someday you will not betray and disappoint, because you too have felt the pain of being betrayed and disappointed.

I love that part; to decide when to let go or hold on. It is always hard to decide when pain weighs in so much.

Thanks a lot for this. Always detailed.

A purposeless man is a dangerous man, if you see him don't try to associate with him.

If you embark on the journey with a man that is going no where, he will hinder you from getting to somewhere

When you are discouraged, remember the purpose for which you were created and let that serve as motivation to keep going

People might take you for granted, but don't be worry as long as you are fulfilling a purpose.
God is not a waste of resources, if you have no problem to solve or a purpose to serve, He won't bother creating you.

Until you discover your purpose, nothing you do would give you fulfilment

Remember, if a purpose of a thing is not know, abuse is inevitable.

Thank you @olawalium and @communitycoin for helping me to start my day this brightly....

Absolutely. Another good one. Keeps getting better, brother. Thanks as always.

Beautiful! Please allow me to share some love -

My purpose has been lost to me
I stagger blind without a light to see

My sight is lost is lost to me
But my touch helps me see

The skin of my hands is now rough
Yet, of this world I cannot get enough

Although my search if long and tough
For now, search of my purpose is purpose enough

I love it. Yaaaay!. Really, this is really good.

"My purpose has been lost to me I stagger blind without a light to see"
Purpose gives us light even when we feel it's dark. Good one. Thanks a lot for this.

This is a great motivational poem @olawalium and @communitycoin

Giving is like sowing seeds
You will surely reap what you sow in multiple folds

Even if not directly from the source
You will surely reap it that one is for sure

Touching other people's lives as being my goal
It is a good habit I wanna pick from my boss

And I'm praying to God to help my faith
Thanks @olawalium for this inspiration of poem
I have done my best let others flow.

Hahahahahahahahaha poem day @communitycoin 😂😂😂

Hahahahahahahaha. Thanks a lot for this. We should always strive to do our best. Touching people's lives however we can, is vital and goes a long way.

What motivates me is making people happy...
Being rewarded for being a world changer....
Challenging the status quo and questioning popular thinking

Great @olawalium the more strobger at times of pain shows the character of the person. We need to hold forte strong enough to not let loosebwith the bad times. Dig well stay strong and keep going...that is life.

Exactly! That is life. We need to stay strong and hold forte when pain becomes unbearable. Finding a purpose and cause to live for sure makes it better.

Thanks a lot for this.

Learning, loving and laughing are some of the things that motivate me. I am excited by life. I am eager to continue growing, exploring and sharing my love with others. The crypto community has treated me so well. I am always eager to share the crypto love with the world! Thanks for sharing this awesome post!

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Live Happily....and learn each phse, that make a journey wonderful

That is really a great and incrouging poem thanks for sharing it with us, it has open my brain, thanks

I am glad it did. Thanks a lot.

Happy Poem sir, Great Poem, Thank you for amazing share with us.

Anytime and thank you for your time.

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