An original poem by me.

in #poem8 years ago (edited)

My Word

Hello, welcome to my world. Go ahead and make yourself at home. I've made this place for all to come and enjoy. It's a world like no other. Here you can do anything you want. Be whoever you want. Have and do whatever your heart desires.

You can walk through it alone or with friends. You can even make new friends while you are here. But you must be nice and friendly to everyone while you are here. Being mean or hateful will not be tolerated.

Remember, you're in my world. Here I rule. Here my words have power. My words can make you feel confidence, compassion, joy and happiness. Putting a smile on your face. Even touching your heart and soul. Or my words can make you feel great pain and sorrow. Causing you mind and heart so much torment that you break beyond repair.

You see, my words are this world.

The choice is yours as to which words you receive though. So go on and enjoy yourself. That's why it's here. Be a kid again. Let your imagination run wild. Explore who you are or who you would like to be. The possibilities here limitless. You can stay as long as you like or never leave if you don't want to.

Regardless of what you do, I hope you'll always remember the time you spent in my world.