poem to the consciousness

in #poem3 years ago


I feel like I don't even need a mic, instead, I rather pick up my swords and just have a fight
I never once played this game, you all came to me looking for fame, from a beast that you'll never tame
I'm the one that came to mame if you would have just stayed in your lane we would have already owned this fucking game
I laid out the plan in plain sight for you all to see, instead, you all sold out trying to take what resides within me

This was a bridge to save a war I will no longer sit back and watch you all sell my heart, I stand silent no more
I have fought for you countless times and always the same you sell me out for just a tiny bit of fame
The crumbs you have taken are the reason our people are forsaken, how many times until you see the answers reside within me
you raise me up to expose my light instead you are supposed to stand by my side and help me fight

You run around trying to keep me down as if I give a fuck about a crown further dividing our people like having 4 football teams in 1 town
this system is finished it's time you see there is something far grander residing in me
As if I give a dam about your feelings, I write the truth but you fell off losing all of your meaning
How can you not see that the answers to all your problems got lost due to your fucking gluttony

You're insolent to the core, and so much stupidity I have gone and created ICOR because it seems like all you understand is war
you stole my tablets and sacked my grave and still with this tiny amount of knowledge you refuse to behave
so this is my war drum as I call in all the souls from beyond the graves to aid me in destroying everything you have made
I have taken blow after blow trying to unite our minds all I want is for you to realise your destiny and grow

I do not judge as this war is mayhem but how much more do you need to see before you open the door
you can not run nor can you hide you, I'm not pointing the blame how can so many of you have fallen
I am the one that came to build on the others that came before me with the answers, but you can't even get past your own shame
instead, you choose to play the game looking at me like I'm the one to blame, I never wanted the fame, I didn't even make a claim

All I wanted was to chill smoke and ride bikes, and you try and paint me in a box thinking you have more soul due to some locks
I'm sick and tired of the fakes that just rap for namesakes, I write to remain sane building in this system is my real pain
watching you all pretend to help just to take from me once again, to the point I feel like turning my back and bringing back the pain
Everyone tries to paint me like a lamb, to take my throne, but I feel this illusion is just all just one big scam to try and convince me of who I am

Why when I see you all I feel is love but when you speak to me I see through your mask, I am not to blame, you all live for the fame
I am the balancing of an equation, created to reign you all in as it is clear to me you all love living in sin
you have already taken my kin, divided my house, even poisoned my spouse, I am not of this world, I would rather leave

But as always I still have hope, like when I built my last boat I'm done with your occult, you tried to capture me and steal my soul
working with the idiots instead of following your soul, time for me to leave and change the game as it is always the same, you are all to blame

Writing to the universe, I don't understand why I try. I fight for you all and march forwards alone as it seems the only thing you care about is your own.