I see the moon in the sky

in #poetry7 years ago

I see the moon in the sky
It looks at me with tainted eyes
Seeing thru me at my core being
Wishing I was more than I am
Designing my future based on the past
Outdated perceptions of what is life
Of what is pain, happiness, and reality
Passion is a thing of the past
Core emotion is pushed away
To provide space for reason to bloom
And logic to blossom into dilution
Of the reality that emotion had defined
Reason is the rule that makes life readable
It makes reality able to be assimilated
And understood, the perceptions that before
Were nothing more than extracted raw emotion
Which is now irrelevant in its existence
As I am in my reality

Patience and hatred cause deception
To the timed reality that exists
As Time ebbs, life is spent
Irretrievable to live anew
What is, is what was
What was, matters not in life
What is made by you, is what matters
When all life is lived
The measure of one is determined by others
Whose perceptions of reality
Based in logic or emotion
Judge you into the person they saw
And you have been fit into the role
Existant by only their tainted glasses
Ones soul is what matters
Yet in life ones actions are the guage
By which to determines ones value

How do I live and yet not
How do I Love and yet Hate
Why is what I do determined by how I am perceived
Is there a pattern to this existence
Can it be determined by the actions
That are performed by me to be that which
I am perceived to be
Does what matter to ones soul get overruled
By what is perceived to be the measure of ones life
If so how am I true to myself
Where does the control I exhibit come from
Does it come from my ability to assimilate that
Which is obtained thru the tainted glasses of others
So that I measure up to their expectations
And have, by their standards, used my life
In the most appropriate and founded manner?

Control is the key
The path to enlightenment
The ability to make ones destiny
While still maintaining a measure of reality
Based on the assimilation of that perception
That abounds around me.
That ability to understand the external
Override the internal
And perform based on the realities of others
Is what makes one Human
The ability to reason
is the ability to exert control
is the reason of being Human
is the reality based on enhanced perceptions
of emotion and logic
exerted by those around us

How is life different from death
Does what one does in life measure into death
When one dies, what has he left but a legacy of memory
Its never the memory you expect others to have
It’s the perceived memory of you thru their tainted glasses
Why then, live your life to their measure
Why not excel at what your soul desires
Live your life to your own perception
Make of yourself what you will
Heed not what others say is possible
Or what you should do to make the lasting vision
Blurred into their memory
Anguish is my life fit to another’s perception

Epiphany of life is found at last
Do what you will to see what you need to
To resolve what you feel is required
To measure by your own standards
Don’t live to others expectations
Don’t guage by others accomplishments
Don’t submit to others realities
Stand by your character
Measure yourself by yourself

Endure and you will be rewarded.

Sometime 2005