Freewrite | Poetry

in #poetry5 years ago


I want to listen
To your voice in my head
Calling and whispering sweet nothings
When the sun is yet to grace the sky
And the birds are resting
Waiting for dawn before they take flight
In light I know it’s you
In darkness I recognise your strength
You’ve become a part of who I am
That piece of me I wouldn’t want to lose

I toss and turn in my sleep
My arms reaching out in search of you
You becloud my senses
With thoughts of who you were
And of the person you’ve become
Even in my dreams I long for you
To be quietened only by your strong arms
Draped gently over my breasts
Holding and soothing
Willing me back to sleep

It’s like a fantasy
A story passed down in time
Not of a young maiden and her prince charming
Nor of a slave and her fairly god mother
But of two souls belonging together
Guarding what they both have
Never daring to leave each other's side
They cast their spells each day
Losing their hearts all over again
An enchantment nothing can break

I’m yours in life as in death
Only your love tempers my wildness
You come to me like a music
A tune so melodious it lures to sleep
And your bright smile
That grin so beautiful it shames the sun
I choose to answer your call
With quiet whispers of my own
Let this love take me beyond
I’m satisfied so long as you are with me

image source


What an awesome and erotic write-up.

I want to listen
To your voice in my head
Calling and whispering sweet nothings

Calling and whispering sweet "Moanings" 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴

Haha. Calm down.

You've not posted for 4 days now. I can't wait to read another poem of yours.

I've been posting. Click on posts and you'll see them.