SELF = Sovereign Entrance to Life’s Files

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

SELF (1).jpg


There are some things that must be learned ALONE.

Not crowd-sourced. Tribe-endorsed. Or group-approved.

Social bondage is just as disabling as any other bondage. Maybe worse.

It is worse, because we do not resist social bondage.

It is seductive, to get us. And bully-ish, to keep us.

Even though we might tire of adult-pretending, we still seem more afraid of just ACTUALLY MEETING OURSELVES.

Because meeting yourself does require at least some intended time without the idea-streams of others raining all in your head.

Social bondage makes you think the wetness is refreshing. Hydrating.

Something other than someone else’s pissed-out idea-waste.

Yes, even this. lol

Find and drink your own vital water. 💧💦

Most of modern life is devoted to keep you FROM doing this.

Whizz. Dumb.

Tribalism, group-think, fear of ostracism… these tools of social bondage are PROFOUND at keeping folks looking everywhere except within one’s own self.

The only thing to be found there is YOU.

Are you boring, or scary??


How could you believe that about yourself?!

And if you do, how could you allow it to remain true?!

If you had an iota of an idea of how deeply fascinating AND FUNCTIONAL your inner-chambers are… and the serious treasures that glisten there… you’d be less enthralled with the garbage-nonsense out here, that just prattles fear and limits a million different ways.

You are the best rabbit-hole there is!!

We will be such a better social force, when we break free from its bondage.

Self-knowledge destroys social bondage.


Please do answer some of these in the comments, if you’re inclined:

♢ How influential are the opinions of others over the things you say and do? And the things you don’t/won’t say and do?

♢ What makes you feel rewarded, and good about yourself?

♢ How important is the approval of others to you?

♢ How would you rate your own company? Do you know yourself well enough to have an opinion about that?

♢ Who do you stand with? DO THEY STAND WITH YOU??

♢ Do you stand with -- or avoid -- yourself?


It is always so good to read your words, your wisdom. For me I am the biggest influence in my life, I have learnt that all judgement starts with self and how I see myself reflects how I see others and the way I interpret their stories.
Of course it is nice to be acknowledged by others but of course that starts with self too. I actually really enjoy my own company and like to have time by myself, as much as a mum of 3 can have. I definitely stand with myself and from there I stand with others who do the same, self empowerment is so important to me for how can we reach out to others if we have not reached into ourselves first xx

I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, @trucklife-family! Thanks for sharing your wise and wonderful answers.

Weird side-note: I notice I feel an almost instant affection -- and trust -- of people who say they enjoy their own company :-)

thank you, I feel the same way. There is a lot to be said for people that can sit comfortably with themselves xx

Here's a free vote, just for being you!! Have an amazing day!!