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RE: How to Comment on Poetry

in #poetry7 years ago

And here I thought The Silence was just an ugly race of aliens on Dr. Who... learn something new every day! lol

This is wonderful help. Step 5A is my go-to on responding to poetry, especially if I don't have time to do a quick scansion of the poem or evaluate the rhyme scheme or other devices. If a line stands out to me, I like to quote that back to the author to let them know. As a poet myself, I realize that can make someone's day! 😃


As a poet myself, I realize that can make someone's day!

Yes! It will. I get replies that basically say exactly that. Here are a few that I've gotten:

Thanks, that is what I was hoping for :-)

Thank you so much. I love your well thought out comments. Appreciate the words. Truly. Tip!

thank you for your comment...glad you appreciate the work