in #poetry6 years ago

Rise and shine, spit and polish
we'll make you feel quite special,
when in all actuality
you're really nonessential.
You're just a mere replacement part
and we have countless more.
When you outlive your usefulness
we'll show you to the door.
And if, by chance, you do excel
and meet our expectations,
we'll raise the bar up higher still
and confound your aspirations.
We at the top appreciate
your tireless sacrifice.
We couldn't be the fat cats
if we didn't have you mice.



Oh man!
I missed your poetic return. I've been randomly checking back, and you've come and gone.

I'll be back again soon. Life just has a way of keeping me too busy to be creative while I'm trying to be productive. Hopefully you'll see something new soon. Hope you are having good days.


Nice to hear from you!
That sounds completely reasonable. I'm sure if I was able to partake in productivity I would not be harassing you for an ode prompt. 😂

I thought of you yesterday. That sounds creepy...
We have recently moved to a more rural area, but my family is still adjusting (kid won't walk barefoot on grass for example, dog won't either actually).
I looked for an easy bush trail to take them on, you know, to connect with nature. Our place backs onto enormous bushland, 63,000 hectares of it is world heritage listed. I thought I'd find a toddler / teen, slightly challenged mum, exhausted Dad, easy walk.

We ended up driving it, pretty much all the way to the lookout. The fitness walkers and nature lovers smiled politely and stepped aside on the dirt track, in their sensible attire and Fedora's, but I'm pretty sure there was judgement behind those exercise endorphin induced smiles.
But anyway, yes it was that moment that I thought of two guys in a four wheel drive, a dad and his son, in a dtube video I enjoyed watching, smashing through nature with a dash cam rolling, and having way too much fun.
I shot a short video myself out the window. I am yet to post a video blog, but I will take your most welcomed reappearance as a sign to figure out how to do this.
I hope NY is being kind to you.
My phone photography does not do it justice.