What is the Gunder-Snat?

in #poetry7 years ago

I think, perhaps, you should listen
To what I'm about to say,
It's very important (is it not?)
To know what occurs after day.

Oh no, not night, as I knew you'd think,
It's not as simple as that.
There is a second in between,
They call it Gunder-Snat.

Within this second, if you're lucky
To get your timing right,
If you simply blow your nose three times
And shut your right eye tight.

The seven wonders of the world
Will increase at least ten fold
And join together in the sky
And into one be rolled.

Colours that you cannot imagine
Rain down upon the world,
And dance upon the roof tops
All spirally and curled.

In this one instant you will see
The secrets of the trees,
You will taste the taste of magic
And hear the laughter of the seas.

Then music sung out by the stars
Will descend to kiss your finger,
You'll breathe the scent of purest time,
And see how daydreams linger.

But, oh, if you should be so blessed
To catch this miraculous time,
Be sure to tell someone about it
In whisper, words or rhyme.

For only one person at a time may see
This beautiful after day,
And if you keep it to yourself
You will be the last, they say.

You must set it free to dance forever,
It must not with one person be sat.
So tell your story and share your moment
Of the wondrous Gunder-Snat.

Poem by @Johleen
Royalty Free image from Pixabay


Perfectly rolls off the tongue... sets the imagination to work. Bravo! :)