I’m Here to Live Out Loud!

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


I am here to live out loud.

I remember

A night of stumbling stairs

That led nowhere –

Only to the vault of purple sky

Where rubies and sapphires

Burned from the heights.

Then afterwards,

Lying on the hillside –

The mingled scents

Of vinegar and clover...

And stars like flares drifting over.

© 2018, John J Geddes. All rights reserved



Excellent epigraph of Emile Zola that gives life and meaning to your poem, @johnjgeddes. The artist must see his life this way! The artist and all men. Let life know that we pass through here, that in every path we tread our footprints remain, that every word we say is heard and felt, that echoes. Life cannot be a journey in which nothing happens to us and which does not leave us noises, marks. Because if nobody knew about us, if nobody felt us, nobody missed us, we were only fleeting, a simple breeze that nobody ever felt. Let's live out loud! Nice night, poet.

Thank you, Nancy - You may not know this, but for years I was a closet writer. I remember one time a colleague jokingly said, "Let's Google your name." There was no trace - no footsteps - no word of mine. That changed me and I grudgingly allowed myself afterwards to be known - no pseudnym - no nom de plume - I allowed myself to leave a mark on humanity's cave wall :)

Beautiful. I love Zola, but this poem is also amazing - vinegar and clover are quite evocative!

If you truly love a post you should vote for it - if I truly love a comment I reciprocate - it's the way of steemit

I'm sorry did you just reprimand me for not voting your posted as there could have been any number of reasons why I didn't. It is also the way of steemit to leave comments and interact, which I did. I'm sorry you feel missed that I did not upvote you.

Posted using Partiko Android

If you care enough to comment, you should also vote. There's a fallacy going around that comments add value and there's no need to vote - so steemians vote for themselves and their allies while not 'wasting' their vote. I reward people for voting, hence my comment. Circle voting is wrecking steemit and undermining the basisof the platform.

I vote all the time. I just didn't on yours because my VP was down but I liked your poem and wanted to say so. You clearly value votes more than interactions. Interactions make steemit a great place for me. Lectures don't. Comments add value because they help build connections and community and friendships. There's a lot worse happening on Steemit than me not giving you my tiny vote.

Posted using Partiko Android

You're entitled to your opinion. I stated mine .This is a social site that requires you to vote and comment. Since you only commented, I didn't reward you. Enough said.

I didn't want the upvote on my comment - my reward was your lovely poetry, hence the comment.