What Must I Do?

A righteous, wealthy man got down on his knees
And asked God: "What must I do to live with you
What are the things you expect from me
And what is it you want me to do?"
God said to the man, with a loving voice:
"You know my commandments and the things I desire,
Don't steal or murder and help the poor and needy
Just do the things that I require"
He said very proudly to the lord:
"I do all those things every day"
God said: "That's great, just do one more thing
Take all of your possessions and give them all away."
The man said to the Lord: "You're asking an awful lot,
"You want me to give it all away for free?"
The Lord said very clearly: "That's exactly what I mean
When I ask you to give up the world and follow me
The lord knew the mans heart and hea said with love:
"Your biggest problem is the faith you lack
You don't beleive enough to know I will keep my promise
If you will take up my plow and not look back"
He said to the Lord: "You're asking too much,
I've worked hard for the things I own.
Look at all I've done and the things I've created
I have a great career and a beautiful home."
The Lord said to the man: "I teach in the scriptures
If you seek the world and all it offers then you are evil.
It's more difficult for a wealthy man to get into heaven
then to fit a camel through the eye of a needle."
God made it very clear the things we must do
And he knows where our loyalties lie
Most people are blinded by the lust of the world
Most people are not willing to try
Please See:
Mark Chapter 10: 1-31