The sure word of God

in #poetry6 years ago


He that is born of God overcomes
Yes he overcomes the world
Yet he is wearied
Wearied with the troubles and cares of this world


He has given you all you all things that pertains to life
Yes all things pertaining to life and godliness
Yet he is broke, don’t even have a penny to his name
His struggle and hustle isn’t paying, yes he his broke

He is troubled at such great words
Such great words from God yet isn’t working
The words are true yet still unfulfilled
His life is opposite of what the promise ever gave

What a true word, yet not revealed
Never revealed in the simplest of his life
All scriptures are given by the inspiration of God
God isn’t a man so he can’t lie, while then is life is not a proof

This is the case of many believers , they know the word but it seems like the word are not true, they lack everything that the lord promised through the word, whether good health, peace, victory over satan, all these is what the lord promised yet their lives are not showing it. It may surprise you to know that no matter what God’s word can never lie even if the circumstance seems like it is.
The word of the lord is quick and powerful… meaning if it takes a minute for a medicine to heal you of a headache it would take only a second to get healed via the word so your situation cannot make the word of God a lie (Numbers 23:19).
So if God’s word is true and so true why then is the word not working; Isaiah 26:3 talks of a mind focused on God, how much your mind is stayed on the word of God determines how efficient it would be, most times during our study times we discover something new from God’s word, something that could effect a great change in a certain areas of your life, we get excited over the word and immediately we leave our study room we remove our mind from the word we got, then we faced with challenges we say but the word of God said this and said that why then is it not showing forth in me.
Knowing God’s word is important, understanding it is also very vital for without the knowledge and understanding we would continue walking in darkness (psalm 82:5) but holding unto the word via meditation and confession is a key. A vital key to dominating challenges.
So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed (Acts 19:20), the word would have to grow in your spirit via meditation and confession, then would you begin to enjoy victory.
The world of is very true and real hold unto it. Never put yourself in the position to doubt God’s word for it is better to die believing than to die in unbelief.