The great fire: A poetic piece

in #poetry7 years ago


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Ok seeing it's been a while I posted any poetry or writing and there someone out there whose being waiting for me, I have decided to break my poetic silence and show my face to you all once again.
So today I will be giving you all this short but genuine piece on an emotion we come across almost every passing day of our life.. The emotion, Anger. I'll be speaking from a personal view and from a deep genuine personal understanding of this emotion known as anger.. So without saying any more here is my piece

The poem

The tremendous power surging in..
The fire that burns all from within..
The release it brings..
The relief it gives..

The cause full of flaws...
It's workings we crave for more..
The feels from it satisfying..
The deeds from it gratifying..

It is an outburst that scares all..
The spark that flares up...
The opportunity to tear up..
The indignation rearing up..

It is utterly amazing..
Difficult to control..
Justifying in every ramifications..
Enticing to the bone
Devouring all of the soul..

It is amazing what it does..
Consuming all with touch..
Burning all to dust..
It is called wrath..

The fire of our right..
The outburst of our might..
The cause of all our fight..
Destroying all for the cause of ourspite

It is the raging storm..
The flood that comes
The blinding flood
That seeks to deform

The clamouring earth
The quaking earth
The shaking that seeks
To split apart the rocky depths

The splitting wind
The whrilwind..
The utter destruction it's presence brings

Burn all then die..
Loose all then cry..
Consume all in sight
Reek havoc and blight

This is the price of power..
This is the flame called anger..
This is more than just mere banter
It is passion and desire

Anger is the fire..
Anger births desire..
Anger all man requires..
Anger it's consequences dire..

This is the price of power..
The power that is anger

About the Poem

The poem seeks to fully speak on one oldest and most genuine emotions known to man and that is is Anger. The writers sees angers as both a force capable of good and evil and he sees it as a power which if is not controlled properly would be as deadly as a ticking bomb.
The writer at some point begins to view anger based on the 4 elements. You begin to see lines pertaining to water and earth and wind. All in all I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you