Mind Control at the Cellular level [Poem]

in #poetry6 years ago


I'm stuck at home all alone with no lights on expect for my phone.
Texting talking and unlimited data I got me a provider so I can text bye to all my haters
Whishy washy ticky tocky I don't get why people cant communicate anymore
They are always on their phone never can talk to one another it's sad they can't even communicate with their own mother
their brother their cousin or their lover, phones take over the universe
what makes matters worse is that phones don't like us
As crazy as you may portray me, they are artificial intelligence and will take over the human race just wait and see
one place in one take. I need to breath before I see it take place
where humans are being mind controlled by inanimate things
Phones are magical , phones are nice, phones are used for sacrifice.
Scary as it may seem phones can breath. They are living and they can see.
Everything we do , is tracked and sent back, that's why you need to hide
and cover your tracks. Paranoid it seems, nothing to me is a dream, everything is mere reality.
I tell the truth I would never lie, the phones are the reason why. They took over my mind
and made me type this rhyme, please forgive me for I did try to avoid
the mind control of phones. Leave me alone phones you can't have my brain I want to think on my own
and not be a mind controlled slave. The phone told me I better behave or It'll be my dismay. Technology was
never meant to be taken for a joke, as the whole world laughs I'm the one who pays for the phone companies
own my brain, they attached their products and control my mind, so next time you text think it's alive.