III — Mausoleum of Ghosts

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

(Grievous Meditation)

Advancing amidst
apotheosized lupine morals,
man’s onerous pith -
tumuli shadowing
cachinnated hedonism,
slaughter bathed rosette :

Anima dominates voltaic,
space mined merciless -
pixels sense knows no pantheism,
others regarded null; tetrahedral
constraints a bulwark of bastille—
Ah, to be human!

So blossom your zoetrope
of human progress, ravenous
& illusory, a merry-go-round,
light tarnished, quavering muffled screams;
abysmal as the graves already dug—
Spirits trapped asunder soil of death,
ethos trapped within cage of life—
Between chasms, piled bodies of the ages,
civilization luminesces our idiocy.

Nature flagrant in colluding
with victors of bestial rapture,
a restless evolution &
macabre self selection -
conjuring requiem nekyia,
for prophecy foretold :

(Hell On Earth)

Emerged from miasmic crusade,
a trampled horizon, mangled shapes
discern mounds of skeletal cinder,
forever onyx; virtue sliced, abused,
lungs wheezing corrupted, bilious air,
once human morphed less than -
the ghost of war unrepentant;
spiking skulls grotesque,
singular beads of infinite pools
gilded homicidal, praetorian
to ignored truth—
Apocalypse unveiled:

Orpheus’ plight resurrected—
Di Inferi exhumed earthly
in flaming chariots impression;
does humanity see it’s evil?
Is truth beyond mimesis,
or is theatre all we know?—

Senses ruminate joining
melancholic coup de grâce
ere welkin’s eternal perish.

Dreaded swarms of fatal spires
cascade mortal structures gothic,
contaminating souls effluvial,
bones of life wretched, spared none -
pestilence grande seeps every pore of senses,
essentia complete as shattered vase:

Eyes infused melanoid, viewing
monochrome, vision decayed to that of dog;
touch feels palpitations of the heart stillborn,
lanced occult; taste savors rancorous experience
against will, culture’s youthful eudemonia
seduced decadent, trial by combat
in arena of a thousand pining knives;
smell inhales cinereal ambience
of melting minds, the self dissipated Brutus;
ears hear the sages foolish lament
in fin, drowning memories of
loving voices, each a sole vigil now snuffed,
for no prayers are answered here:
Humanism’s crucifix conjoined to
those effortlessly flung—
The tarpeian rock tremors
to the terror that shakes the Earth.

The omnipotent informs Dante:
We shoulder this blame -
folding shutters of vibrant stars,
particles suspended in motion,
leaving a vacuous, effete canvas
of nothing, a black hole with no
visitors, acheron perpetua—
Universal hope ceased.


How did I miss this post? Fantastic!!!

Didn't know you read my posts O_o <3
I'm dredging oceans depths of my soul for the next poem

How could I not? :) ❤

I am keeping my eyes on you.

Eyes infused melanoid, viewing
monochrome, vision decayed to that of dog;
touch feels palpitations of the heart stillborn,
lanced occult; smell inhales cinereal ambience

This is the best poetry i have read in a very long time and the part i just highlighted is the reason I'm ganna read it over and over again

Glad you enjoyed it! I hope you read voluminous amounts of poetry ;)

Linguistic Target Achieved! There are at least 20 words here that need to be examined more closely. Even without grasp of certain meaning the forms you bear synaesthetically generate mental pictographs akin to glossolalia under the influence of psychedelics. How tangible the read.

Although I haven't taken psychedelics myself, I try to imagine the environment where the character is present (including all senses felt hyper-receptively); which I suppose is equivalent to when under the influence!

Yes I mean, its not unheard of that certain people are able to "cross the Streams" without any outside influence. I think its probably not possible to enter the psilocybin space or the LSD space without those molecules present in the brain but both seem to operate on an ethereal substrate that I do think can be accessed by gifted individuals and those with enough grit to persist. Anyway, based on your grasp of language, I think you would be a good candidate for a DMT trip or something tryptamine based. Don't pass it up if it comes your way. Its worth your 15 minutes.

I certainly will (& ayahuasca to see if it fulfills promise), only concerned with any permanent effects afterwards, -I can feel a 'bad' trip forthcoming if done more than once-.

Ayahuasca is profound. There are lasting effects but done in the right circumstance with the right facilitate/shaman, those effects are hugely positive. If you feel called to it that is usually a good sign.

A pleasure to read!
It seems a lot of the time when people try to cram as much advanced diction into a work such as this, they end up floundering their way to the end.
But this was expertly done and flowed well in my head.
Thank you for your words!

Thanks so much :)
It takes a firm grasp of the metaphor for the image you express to do so

@outtayourbox the poetry is awesome.
the writing is great, every word is perfect.

deep thoughts, had to close my eyes to envision

I wrote a poem but when I read this, I feel like being intimidated but I’m inspired to write more and improve it. Thank you! 😊

What a lovely poem

You know, English is not my native language but i always took pride in thinking that i know English relatively well. Thank you for shattering my illusions, i appreciate that...

I had to use a dictionary.
Thanks you.
Nice piece

Expanding upon word choice can help all poets!

Ill try it.