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RE: Bleeding Eyes

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

[Written months previously in an altogether expressively jaundiced different frame(s)-of-mind (in 'person') structure/outline/syntax to current themes] - ‘in keeping’ with partisan inclinations that the reader must encounter the cumulative strangeness in a text which requites similar disruptive incursions (frustratingly provoking the abyssal-yearning question ?: ‘‘is this ‘it’?, do ‘sensible’ facts correspond to a posteriori/a priori reality (that we can have questions to the latter, is this conception aligned to the concoction ‘I’ have been voluntarily-forcibly assimilated ‘into’; -underlining the weighty-perspicacious faculties/burdens of mind), universality reducible to a singular & vice-versa therein; or does the tête-à-tête mischievously delight (although reminding slavish judgement through the blush, the rheumatic hand tics, slight discolorative pallor of the temples where guiltier-for-'existence' sweat droops heavily, clinging to bodily organism) in its own conversation while conditioning ‘our’ responses?