Poetry Vomit: Friction (My take on touch)

in #poetry6 years ago



Let our surfaces collide
Over and over and over again
Let it heat up in the intensity
Of both our needing souls
And wanting breaths.
Let it soak beneath our skins
Until it breaks our bones
And our dreams.
Let it shutter the tension
Caught between our follicles
And ourselves.
Let warmth be our reason
For undoing the buttons
Of shame and respect
Hands wrapped in
Yesterday’s sorrows are
Momentarily gone.
Head soaked with dilemma
And silly paradox all gone
For friction is the only thing
That burns and never scars.


I was deep in thought with this piece. Wrote it ages ago, but I could never forget that longing for somebody else's company. At this point of my life, I am not yearning for any emotional involvement. I do my best not to attract such response from people and not to give whatever is left of my emotions as well. You see, I was in a 3 year relationship and when it ended, I felt drained. Maybe somehow, I'm still recuperating. But human as we are, we seek for anything that tramples out the loneliness. Something I could be attached to, but detached at the same time. I wrote this piece to try and explain to whoever questions my actions and who's been questioning my actions continually. There is something exhilarating about being close enough to someone, knowing their worries and happiness, but detach enough to say goodbye in the morning. It was quite a new thing.

Although I wrote it with that in mind, don't hesitate to connect to this piece, I hope it does you well. I've also been having quite a hard time with....life, I suppose, thus my inactivity in the platform. But I'll be doing my very best to be more consistent. Look forward to more! All the love! xx