The Eight Art Gallery Tour in Gothenburg 2021
The Eight Art Gallery Tour 2021
The Artist Filippa de Vos at Gallery PS
Hello all Art Lovers!
This year's eighth Art Gallery Tour has ended.
At Galleri Konstepidemin, Elisabeth Billander shows her work. Different materials and their inherent language are central.
Carolina Sandvik shows films that take place within the walls of her home. The movie titles are The Expected and Paracusia. In Pannrummet, Katrine Hoff shows the exhibition Copycat where she combines sound with installation.
You can see drawings at gallery Aveny. Exhibitor is Gothenburg artist KjellÅke Gerinder.
Galleri Uddenberg is up to date with the duo Thomas Willard showing paintings and Gunnar Larsson, ceramics.
Gallery PS is also current with two artists, Richard Johansson and Filippa de Vos.
Grafik i Väst shows graphic sheets by Eva Maria Ern with the title - A wall, a longing.
At gallery KC, the photographer Maja Kristin Nylander is up to date with the exhibition - Dealing with the difficulty. The exhibition is part of an ongoing autobiographical work on farewell, longing and absence.
Gallery Nevven on Molinsgatan has another international artist. This time with works by Vika Prokopaviciute from Lithuania.
Hej alla Konstvänner!
Årets åttonde gallerirunda har avslutats.
Hos Galleri Konstepidemin visar Elisabeth Billander sina arbeten i olika material där dess inneboende språk är centralt.
Carolina Sandvik visar film som utspelar sig inom hemmets väggar. Filmtiteln är The Expected och Paracusia.
I Pannrummet visar Katrine Hoff utställningen Copycat, där hon kombinerar ljud med installation.
Teckningar kan ni se på galleri Aveny där utställaren är Göteborgskonstnären KjellÅke Gerinder.
Galleri Uddenberg är aktuellt med duon Thomas Willard som visar målningar och Gunnar Larsson med keramik.
Galleri PS är också aktuellt med två konstnärer, Richard Johansson och Filippa de Vos.
Grafik i Väst visar grafiska blad av Eva Maria Ern med titeln - En vägg en längtan.
Hos galleri KC är fotografen Maja Kristin Nylander aktuell med utställningen - Hanterandet av svårigheten. Utställningen är en del av ett längre pågående självbiografiskt arbete om avsked, saknad och frånvaro.
Galleri Nevven på Molinsgatan har ännu en internationell konstnär denna gång med verk av Vika Prokopaviciute från Litauen.
Gallery PS - Richard Johansson and Filippa de Vos
The Artist Richard Johansson
The Artist Filippa de Vos
Grafik i Väst - Eva Maria Ern
Gallery KC (Konstnärscentrum Väst) - Maja Kristin Nylander
The Artist Maja Kristin Nylander
Detail of photograph
Gallery Aveny - KjellÅke Gerinder
The Artist KjellÅke Gerinder
Gallery Uddenberg - Thomas Willard and Gunnar Larsson
Gallery Konstepidemin - Elisabeth Bilander and Carolina Sandvik
The Artist Carolina Sandvik
Konstepidemin, Pannrummet - Katrine Hoff
Galleri Nevven - Vika Prokopaviciute
Text and photo Morgan Carlsson @scc664
You can also follow me on Instagram;
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Links to the Galleriets
Links to other galleries and Museums
The museum Amos Rex - Helsingfors, Finland
Moderna Museet - Stockholm
Lousianna - Humlebæk, Denmark
Photographic Links and a movie by Stefan Bladh. Anders Pedersen - Utan längtan ingen bild.
Christer Strömholm;
Stig Albansson; and on Instagram
Valérie Belin;
Photography Festivals
If you like fractals, you can also visit these addresses; @see5staar and @rndness222
An interesting radio program broadcast in Swedish (radio P2), is Rendezvous with Kristjan Saag. Friday's theme was, Saxofonisten som försvann.
Göran Bjelkendal blogger
Art and Photography
Digital imaging in Swedish. Here you can learn the basics. Available on Moderskeppet
Literature - Movies - Music
Are you interested in literature, music and movies, the Magazine Fritänkaren. You can read it here, try this address;
and his complete poems October Harvest. You can buy it here;
Owner /editor and responsible publisher Magnus Christian Aurelio Lanciai to the Magazine Fritänkaren.
I was in a similar gallery with crucified birds
They were stuffed animals; birds cannot be crucified because they are not human beings. In fact, you might want to rethink your vocabulary. Many countries do such tours for scientists and people who are involved in ornithology. To better understand the theme of the gallery, you should at least once visit the trip. There is a birding with Costa Rica Focus where you can look at live birds, take some pictures. You can even observe them participate in contests. Think about it, because it is very developing thinking, which for some reason you do not meet the requirements of the forum.