Why are Some favored than the rest
And i work so hard to be the best
Some work so hard and gain little
Some work little and gain heavy
It's such a mirage
I wish I get it tall
But still it's small
I keep on pushing hard
Even though i got it bad
Now i got myself back
I don't lack
Everything i touch rejoices
I don't hear voices
I deliver my clients
I'm not scared of giants
I no longer try
Instead I fly
My favor never fluctuates
It always activates
I'm delivered
And not chicken livered
I get what i want
And leave what i don't
I'm Steadfast
With breakfast
And i don't fast
Don't leave me sweet wealth
You put me in good health
I shine and smile
Your feel is worthwhile.
Believe things Change
A Rhyme from tallgerado ..........................