Under the Rim (Verses 81 to 100)

in #poetry6 years ago


Under the Rim. An epic galactic romp.

Intro and verses 1-20
Verses 21-40
Verses 41-60
Verses 61-80

Verses 81-90

This race was ancient – for billions of years
They'd evolved and become ultra-clever
They now had the goal to take over the whole
Of the entire universe forever

They weren't a bad lot and their purpose was good
They just hadn't the means to achieve it
They needed some aid and the Cap'n and his maid
Were ideal, if you can believe it

You see they had answered those annoying questions
Life poses for those who are in it:
“Where we from? Where we going? If I'm not here who does the knowing?”
You'll hear of some more in a minute

Right. “What is life? Is there a God? Do I exist? Do you exist?
Who am I?” and some more sublime
You can think up some more as without a thesaurus
These are quite tricky to rhyme

Anyway, this race of incredible age
Who are known by the name of Sagonimone
Were in wisdom steeped, no life's hurdle unleaped
And now they just wanted it known

The Cap'n and Callest' were thus chosen for test
To see if they could really know it all
And then take it back and give others the knack
And get it all right and not blow it all

 (The last time he came here the Cap'n were impressed
  By the size of the Sagonimone intellect
  His ship had exploded when some fuel was unloaded
  But none of his body was splinter-flecked)

Now he and Callest' looked around them with awe
For the planet was a wonderful sight
There were oceans galore and right there on the shore
Was a tall cliff, all spotless and white

The sand was all golden, the waves lapped the beach
Not one foot of this land had been built on
But there's no bonanza of this kind of stanza
For Paradise you can try Milton!

There came then a voice, beckoning them
Inviting their participation
Since this behest was the goal of their quest
They followed without hesitation

Verses 91-100

They came to a forest and there deep within
Underneath a great o'erhanging bough
The Cap'n and his popsy sat through a synopsi-
S of life as 'twas being lived now

They realised suddenly where they were at
And resolved to improve their behaviour
To guard against lapses he changed their synapses
The Sagonimone said “This'll save yer”

So there at that time came the end of an era
The Cap'n was no longer a tyro
He was something much more slick, noble, majestic …
Come to think of it, he wasn't that high though

Callester encountered a similar thing
For she also had some intellect
Well, she started out dumb and now had become
A bit brighter, so whaddyer expect?!

She still looked enchanting, stood there in the forest
Bewitched by the spells and the wonder
The Cap'n were impressed at his lovely Callest'
But her view of him – well, he stunned her

He was flexing his muscles and grinning at her
A totally astonishing sight
He looked brainy and brawny and back on their journey
It turned out that she had been right

The machine had malfunctioned and didn't return 'em
To wherever from they'd departed
They went quite astray – really out of their way
To another star as yet uncharted

It was pink and had an incredible orbit
A bit like a figure of eight
“That's impossible” said he, and you'll quite agree
For we all know that stars just rotate

But this one did move and considerably so
It seemed to revolve 'bout a planet
So they settled down for a good look around
To see if they could understan' it

They found a young native and questioned him fully
It upset their idea of gravitation
It seemed long ago there had been a fellow
Who had made an involved computation

To be continued ...

Image: Pixabay



@yawnguy is my "serious" account. This one is for other stuff like poetry and general commentary.