Poetwisdom #1: Human Nature
This poem was inspired by @droucil poetry contest which can be found below. Go check it out for more amazing poets and their work or feel free to submit your own!
We are our own mystery
We look towards the future
We deny our own history
We are never pragmatic
We crave answers like addicts
Curious creatures
The purpose of our existence
We do not know
We traveled the heavens
The land and below
Philosophy and Psychology
helped us navigate the mind
Yet we still have questions
Is the truth that hard to find?
We've searched fpr the truth
Yet have we asked the right questions?
We've learned from the masters
But we still haven't learned our lesson
We deny our own history
Yet we look towards the future
We our our biggest mystery
If you liked this one, you'll love another one I made a while back about the connections between philosophy and psychology.
And go check out the contest to look at other wonderful works !

Hi Tru Motiv,
Your poetry is really good!
Thanks for sharing it!
Thanks man I appreciate that. Im gonna keep working on it!