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RE: In My Country, The Sky is the Same Colour as the Dirt: Happy New Year

in #point5 years ago

I don't know who Tex Perkins is and don't really care about his political view, or about Scott Morrison, the nations Prime Minister, either...But there's many people losing their houses and livelihoods all around the country due to the fires and it's worth taking a moment to remember that whilst one set of people are partying another set is sifting through the ashes that once were their lives....All while Tex Perkins get's paid to do a televised concert and push his own political agenda.

I've had mates on the back of CFS trucks for days on end, walking amongst the burning bush and working to, and beyond, the limit of their endurance to save fellow-Aussies' property. It's worth a moment to think of them too, and to show some respect...For all Australians.


True that. Remember its just one snippet yesterday of a much, much bigger picture.. the irreverence by Tex tickled me silly on a day I spent hours crying over the country burning and in awe of the firies... which Morrison has barely nodded to. He IS our PM and his response has hardly been reassuring to a nation that needs reassuring. Meanwhile, the real heroes of this land are doing it hard. How they do it is beyond me - so mucg respect for the fire fighters who have MONTHS ahead of them, and to those who have risked their lives. I hope your mates stay safe. Much love.

Morrison is a dick for sure...A big one. Another politician feathering his own nest, like the rest of them. They all do it. I'm considering taking over the country myself to be honest...Dictator style. Someone has to take a stand and put the country, and its citizens, first. It should be good! Then again, maybe some won't like my policy...You know, those who want handouts, preferential treatment or those who want to stay here without actively contributing for the good of the country.

Come to think of it, maybe Australia isn't ready for me to take it over. It's people seem unwilling to change for the better...Rather, they wish to follow in the footsteps of the USA, whose people are good at talking about liberty whilst doing everything thing to relinquish it...Like sheeple.

My mates and their CFS buddies are all ok so far but as you say, there's a long way to go this summer and it's looking like a bad one.

Man if I ran the country I would be a dictator.

Maybe what the country needs. Worked in Singapore.

Maybe I could head up security.