Pokémon Go: Chronicle of world madness

in #pokemongo8 years ago (edited)

On Wednesday, July 13th, the game Pokémon Go was launched in Germany. Officially, this is the first release of Nintendo's super popular app in Europe, but in fact a lot of people around the world have long played this game. For a week millions of users have downloaded an app and with a lot of enthusiasm try to catch Pokémon in the most unexpected places. Now I'll try to understand this phenomenon.

Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?

During the week that has passed since the launch of Pokémon Go, we read dozens of reports of "pokemania" - people are just not able to break away from the game. Even if these people work on television. Even during the live broadcast. For example, an employee of Channel 10 in St. Petersburg, Florida, was so much involved in search of Pokémon that did not notice that just went before the cameras during a weather forecast.

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Stab wounds - not a reason to stop the game

The Daily Mail tells the story of 22-year-old Michael Baker, who was out on a late-night Pokémon-catching mission in Forest Grove, Oregon at 1am on Monday morning. In the middle of the park, he came across a stranger who looked like a player too. Michael did not come up with anything better than to offer the stranger "battle" in Pokémon Go. In response, the man stabbed a young man in the shoulder.

However, Baker went to the doctor only in the morning - otherwise it would have to interrupt the game.

Night park - not the most strange place for catching Pokémon

Everyone already knows about the players who preyed on virtual monsters in hospitals, restaurants, police stations and other unexpected places. As it turned out, not all places are equally suited for catching Pokémon. Pokémon Go system is trying to hide Poké Stops within urban objects and other notable locations – parks, monuments, bars, museums.

Among other things, the Pokémon began to appear in the territory of memorials: The National September 11 Memorial, The Holocaust Museum in Washington, the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, the Auschwitz concentration camp. Administration of these and other memorials have already applied to the creators of the game with a request to remove them from the Pokémon Go, and visitors are asked to refrain from catching a Pokémon in the territory of memorials.

Texas Supreme Court is looking for Pokémon

Looks like Pokémon Go has hit the highest court in Texas.

It's all due to Texas Supreme Court Justice and notorious Twitter addict Don Willett. It's unclear exactly how the conservative justice who mocks Donald Trump with Death Star memes and has the GIF fluency of a 13-year old girl feels about Pokémon Go. Wait, no it isn't. Like the rest of humanity, Willett is fascinated by the craze.
First, he tried to get his law clerks to try to catch em' all. Willett then jokingly threatened to fire them. Guess these former Willett employees can spend all their newfound free time learning how to become better trainers.

Finally, Willett intern and Poor Unpaid Young Person Connor Mighell nabbed a Pidgetto somewhere in the Texas Supreme Court building. As a reward, Willett fake-threatened to fire Mighell and linked to his locked personal Twitter account. Good times.

It's only a matter of time before someone builds a gym in the highest court in Texas. It's not like there are any important cases left on the docket, right? Right? But who really needs cases? Or laws, really? Pokémon Go, it seems, is the ruling for everything.

Help in training Pokémon. Inexpensively

Even if you, unlike judge Willett, don't have interns, there are people who will help you play Pokémon Go. However, you'll have to pay them. Craigslist is already full of potential "trainers" – people who help you grow Pokémon and improve the character. It works like this: you give your phone a man who in a few hours will be walking around with him around the neighborhood collecting Pokémon and steps (for certain events in the game player should have a certain traveled distance), regularly reporting. Working shift lasts from one to four hours. Payment – $20 per hour.

Fortunately, there were also ways to get the needed number of kilometers for free. Just attach your iPhone to the fan.

Pokémon for the success of your business

INC offers advice for businesses: how owners of shops and cafes and other businesses can make money on Pokémon Go. The idea is simple: the game directs people to places of frequent appearance of Pokémon. To turn these people into their customers, it is necessary either to lure them to their shops (for example, placing the Poké Stop or Gym, which for a while accelerates the appearance of Pokémon), or equip a mobile shop and send it to the places where Pokémon usually appear. The proposed business model allows you to turn $100 in 84-hours flow of visitors.

Particularly pleased that many people began to use these features of the game are not for profit, and completely disinterested. A Reddit user posted about a picture of a kid that decided to take care of his Poké-brethren by setting up a little refreshment stand at his house. As a bonus, he dropped a triple lure so they could amp their chances of catching a rare and wonderful beast 😊.

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What do you think about Pokémon Go?


funny article and pokemon go is goin crazy people getting addicted its the new thing.... i only wish i could have bought nintendo stock shares when it was down...

Yeah. Pokémon Go adds $7.5 bln to Nintendo's value in two (!!!) days. It's just crazy.