Re-starting my 500k hands poker challenge. Day 1.

in #poker5 years ago (edited)

I am restarting my 500k poker hands challenge of NL holdem. I for sure played more hands than that since I started it the last time, two years ago. The challenge is really how to DOCUMENT my poker understanding for the fun of it. I usually learn quite a bit by explaining my thought process out loud.

So this is my hobby and I really love doing it. Playing poker feels like exercising the brain. I have no poker friends at all really and I play with chat off so it's really just something I do for myself. None of my friends even know I have been playing poker for 12 years :)

Anyway. So I do play very small stakes. NL50 euros for this 500k hands challenge. I will give you my broad strokes of advice if you like reading about things like this.

Day 1. Progress: 1k/500k hands completed.
Winrate this session: 31.5bb/100.

I have lately learned to balance protecting my stack vs protecting my hand in a better way. There is so much to say about this concept but in general keeping in mind stack protection when pondering hand protection feels very important. Especially in multiway pots.