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RE: Poker Tactics: Play Tight

in #poker6 years ago

I agree playing tight goes a long way toward keeping out of tricky situations. I think it works even better if playing that style aggressively. I don't know about you but for me playing tight passively is just a receipt for ruin. Made hands are easily beat when rags are allowed to see the flop for the cost of a blind. Keep up the good posts. Will be watching for you on the tables and enjoying your play.


I must admit I do prefer to play relatively tight most of the time, but obviously throw things in now and again to switch it up and remain unpredictable. I just feel safer that way, I agree with the aggressiveness though, I think aggression is pretty important in poker, it's something I notice most of the top players seem to utilize.

Thanks for the comment, yeah I haven't played in a few weeks but would love to find a bit of time to get into it again. Hopefully see you on the table sometime soon :)