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RE: The Answer

in #poleshift6 years ago

I think that the masculine is not a superiority complex, but an illusion put on us to keep us from manifesting our true reality. The masculine is NEEDED as much as the feminine is NEEDED, the two balance each other out. War and protection is a reality but so is balance with nature. I do not think that in any way a hard left to the feminine leaving behind the masculine would be any better, in fact I am starting to see this now being used as a way to keep the men from revolting against injustice. Our words are used against us, the feminist movement is actually a way to move the woman into a position of masculinity.

The woman who takes the man's name is only a ceremony to celebrate the family and the man, as the protector, would be identified through the last name of his family. It is also a way to divide the stock, where the breeding pair being identified through the male is only by chance that this has happened, and really, it is not a down play of the feminine, that I believe is an illusion meant to keep the people fighting. The reality is, that through the use of money, war and consumerism, we have destroyed our ability to sit back and enjoy the beauty of who and what we are. The politics of it all are just tools that are abused to keep us unaware of the real problem.

Our men, are glorified as soldiers, they are glorified as policemen, they are glorified as ruthless corporate businessmen, mobsters, thugs, pimps. Through these actions we, men, crush our ability to love and to admire the beauty of God and his creation. (I can hear you now, "why is God a male?") God is identified as a masculine energy due to his ability to punish those in need. All things are not forgiven, and God is a representation of that, as well as the loving and nurturing aspect, these two together are what make a good man. In the bible the story of Adam and Eve, has God creating Eve from the rib of Adam. This is a representation of the female balance to the over powering male. Males by nature are gun-ho and ready to keep the home safe. Males are physically built to endure physical stress, which the masculinity is needed for. Hunting, building, protection and stability.

The feminine is physically built to bare children, care, nurture, feed, manage the homestead, teach, bring children up. These are just facts that can not be denied. This is how we were built. Whether or not you believe in God, or the big bang (laughing) and Darwinism, the facts is that we are each built for a very specific purpose, the power structure has blinded the female from the fact that these are truths, in order to make her masculine.

Yes, female and male beings are vastly different and instead of embracing this we are conditioned to hate it and to fight it. Calling injustice and unfairness and pointing fingers at the other claiming that their "rights" have been taken. No I do not believe this is true, well maybe in some cases, but that is the way it used to be. When a female claims to be able to do the job of the male and will "fight" to "prove" it, I see only that that woman has been conditioned to the masculine. She is becoming a man. While she becomes a man, others will look up to her/him, and soon her offspring will switch roles and total confusion will set in. We are being destroyed. They use our minds against us. Once you realize the true consequence for our devolution, the realization that there was a time where men were men and women were women, and this time no longer exists, can we have even a chance at defeating this imbalance.

I know that my thoughts are unpopular, because we have been conditioned to believe that there is injustice when we stick to our roles. Reality is that there is none, When a man returns from "work" (hunting for food) the woman "feels" (the need to nurture) him due to the intense physical excursion he has put forth to provide the family with food and sustenance for the time being. It is in her nature to repair the broken bones and provide healing for the provider, in order that he continue his "job" for the family. While the basic idea is similar, the political and mass conditioning has destroyed that foundation. Had we stayed on our natural path, who knows where we would be today? Surely not here, blaming each other for the problems we have when we are all to blame.


Well, we do see some things differently from different perspectives.