
Steem is a decentralized network that is operated by witnesses in jurisdictions around the world. All user
actions are publicly recorded on the blockchain, and can be publicly verified. This means that there is no
single entity that can censor content that is valued by STEEM holders.
Individual websites such as may censor content on their particular site, but content published
on the blockchain is inherently broadcast traffic and mirrors all around the world may continue to make it
Freedom of speech is the foundation of all other liberties and any infringement upon freedom of speech
undermines the only peaceful means of reaching consensus: discussion. Without free discussion voters
cannot be fully informed, and uninformed voters are a greater threat to society than losing the right to
vote. Censorship is a means of stealing votes through limiting public discourse. Steem is committed to
enabling free speech and building a free society"

twój post nie jest i nigdy nie będzie skasowany. Każdy natomiast ma prawo wyrazić opinie na jego temat.

Za to będzie konsekwentnie ukrywany

Nie jest ukrywany, nadal każdy go może zobaczyć

To jest tylko kilka interfejsów otwartej sieci Steem. To co twórca danego interfejsu chce wyświetlać a co chować, to jego decyzja.

Jeżeli używasz interfejsu, który ukrywa Twoje treści - zmień interfejs.