When Political Cost Outweighs Moral Virtue

On his Deconstructed Podcast, Mehdi Hasan interviews the spineless centrist commentator Ezra Klein on the case for impeachment.

Ezra Klein: "The constitutional reason for impeachment is... outweighed by the political cost" --- is what you say if you have no moral principles. This is neoliberalism to a tee. It is a nutshell of so many things that are wrong about modern politics under capitalism.

Those who make political cost calculations are those who value personal political power over collective social power. Why would people value personal power? Because under capitalism that equates to personal wealth, and wealth is valued more highly than moral principles under capitalist political economy where profits are the highest motive.

Hasan's latest episode is on why Biden would be a disaster:


You can check out a "casual Friday" interview with Mehdi Hasan here: