Pedosadist Elites Panic: Congress Bill Wants To End Child Porn In Pentagon Networks; Epstein Charged, Files To Be Unsealed On Powerful Clients

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

By Aaron Kesel

America is receiving a hell of a Christmas in July present - a bill in Congress is being pushed to end child porn sharing in Pentagon networks, and Jeffrey Epstein was charged for child trafficking. Additionally, an appeal court ordered that all files pertaining to Epstein's case of wealthy powerful clients will be released to the press and public. Victims as young as 14 are reported as part of Epstein's "vast network." Epstein now faces 45 years in jail -- the indictment can be read here.

Congress is aiming to halt child porn distribution within Pentagon networks according to a bipartisan bill (The End Network Abuse Act) that was introduced by Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) and Mark Meadows (R-N.C.)

The National Criminal Justice Training Center, one of the groups that has thrown its weight behind the bill, reported in 2018 that DOD's network was ranked 19th out of almost 3,000 nationwide networks on the amount of peer-to-peer child pornography sharing.

Spanberger described the issues of child sexual exploitation and abuse as “horrific crimes.”

“The notion that the Department of Defense’s network and Pentagon-issued computers may be used to view, create, or circulate such horrifying images is a shameful disgrace, and one we must fight head on,” Spanberger said in statement. (Source: The Hill)

Department of Defense (DoD) computer networks were found to be downloading/distributing child porn as part of ICE's 2006 "Operation Flicker" - which identified over 5,000 individuals who had used credit cards or PayPal to buy child porn or subscribe to websites that offered illicit material. Of those employees, ICE identified 264 DoD agents or contractors who had purchased child pornography online.

Nine of them had "Top Secret Sensitive Compartmentalized Information" security clearances, while 76 of them held clearances of Secret or higher.

Those agents were willfully ignored by the Bush administration -- that's more than 200 suspected pedophiles working for the Defense Department who were never investigated.

Senators Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) have introduced similar legislation in the Senate as well. According to The Hill, "A spokesperson for Spanberger told The Hill that while there are no set dates in either the House or Senate for marking up the bill, the sponsors are trying to pass it 'both as individual bills and as amendments' to other legislative packages."

One of those networks that is also involved with Epstein is DynCorp, known infamously for child trafficking.

Following Congress's bill, approximately 12 years after billionaire Jeffrey Epstein signed a sweet plea deal that let him escape federal charges of sexually abusing dozens of teenage girls at his Palm Beach mansion and running a prostitution ring, the 66-year-old pedophile was arrested by a joint FBI-New York Police Department task force after he landed in a New Jersey's Teterboro Airport while coming back from a holiday trip from Paris.

Epstein is scheduled to appear in a New York federal court today (Monday) on charges of molesting dozens of underage girls and procuring them for wealthy clients.

Epstein was a hedge fund manager for Bear Sterns, sat on the Harvard, Mind, Brain and Behavior Committee, and is a member of both Trilateral Commission and the CFR.

The 66-year-old pedophile was given an unfair plea deal, violating the federal Crime Victims' Rights Act established in 2004, lawyers for the women have repeatedly stated. The plea deal, according to sources, was a deal arranged in exchange for ratting out financial malfeasance at Bear Sterns.

Even former Palm Beach police chief Michael Reiter, whose department conducted the initial investigation into Epstein, said in a civil lawsuit deposition that Epstein got off easy.

"That wasn't an appropriate resolution of this matter," Reiter said, arguing that the charges against Epstein were "very minor," compared to what the facts called for.

We first heard about Epstein back in 2014-2015, when one of his several victims, Virginia Roberts, first made her appearance filing a suit against Epstein bringing his horrific crimes and lack of punishment to international spotlight and causing outrage. Although the case goes back to 2005-2007 when all of this first started, as is typical for court cases it has taken several years for justice to come, but it's finally here.

Epstein is accused of recruiting Roberts and sexually abusing at least 40 minor girls, most of them between the ages of 13 and 17 procuring them into an underage sex ring. Roberts was just 15 years old in 2002 when she was swayed by the billionaire and met her mistress Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of disgraced tycoon Robert Maxwell, while working at President Donald Trump's country club Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida. The woman recounted her experience to the Independent:

She said: "I was wearing my sexy white Mar-A-Lago uniform – a white miniskirt and a skintight white polo top – and studying an anatomy book when I was approached by this striking woman in her mid-40s with a very proper British accent: Ghislaine."

After expressing to Maxwell her wish to be a masseuse, she claims to have been taken to meet Epstein at his mansion, where she gave him an "erotic massage" for which she was paid £130.

Following Roberts' speaking out about her abuse, Maxwell sued Roberts for defamation in which Roberts subsequently counter-sued the plaintiff. Roberts' counter suit was that Maxwell's lawsuit alleged that her own statements were false and was, itself, defamation. Roberts won her case against Maxwell recently in March; Judge Robert Sweet refused to accept Maxwell's argument in a 76-page decision, stating Roberts was arguing that Maxwell released the damaging statement out of 'malice.'

Document website, Plainsite, shows Roberts' case appears to have been decided in a sealed session.

Journalist Sharon Churcher filed a motion to see the opinion, which was granted in a heavily redacted version released for the public.

Epstein served just 13 months of specialized prison leave where he only had to stay there at night and could leave in the morning for work. His illegal deal was organized by former Miami U.S. attorney and current Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta.

Renewed calls for Acosta's resignation have since spawned after Epstein's arrest, demanding the man resign for the obviously corrupt and unheard of plea deal saving elitists in Epstein's network from prosecution. With that deal now thrown out and new charges filed there are others besides Epstein who can now be brought to justice.

Acosta denied that he gave Epstein special treatment. Explaining his decision in the case in a 2011 letter, Acosta said he backed off from pressing charges after "a year-long assault on the prosecution and the prosecutors" by "an army of legal superstars" who represented Epstein, including Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz; Kenneth Starr, who as independent counsel led the investigation that brought about President Bill Clinton's impeachment; and some of the U.S.'s most prominent defense attorneys, such as Roy Black, Gerald Lefcourt and Jay Lefkowitz.

"The defense strategy was not limited to legal issues," Acosta wrote.

Defense counsel investigated individual prosecutors and their families, looking for personal peccadilloes that may provide a basis for disqualification.

Dershowitz told the Chicago Tribune that no such effort to stir the prosecutors ever took place. "That's just dead wrong," he said. "I would never participate in anything of that kind. Of course, we investigated the witnesses but not Acosta's deputies. That's absurd."Acosta's "intention was to indict, and he fought hard and tried to get the best deal he could," Dershowitz said. "We out lawyered him."

However, Acosta’s staff had advocated for him to pursue a federal indictment; instead, he offered a non-prosecution agreement with Epstein without any of the victims' knowledge of the deal.

Epstein (a registered sex offender) knew several rich and powerful people, including former President Bill Clinton and President Trump.

A flight ledger released revealed Bill Clinton's name 27 times; Epstein's brother, Mark Epstein, also alleged Trump took at least one flight on Epstein's plane dubbed 'Lolita Express,' hitching a ride back to New York under oath.

Epstein's friends and visitors once included past and future presidents, rock stars, and some of the country’s richest men. With all these people hanging around Epstein one has to wonder how many of these people knew or participated in Epstein's activities.

President Trump banned Epstein from his Mar-A-Lago Club in Palm Beach "because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club," Bradley Edwards, an attorney who represents three of the young women, said in court documents Washington Post reported.

Trump denies ever knowing Epstein, although Trump told New York magazine in 2002, "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,'' three years before Epstein began to be investigated. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

He also dined at Epstein's house, according to a New York magazine article which discussed the guests who attended Epstein's dinner party.

Trump was accused by one victim, Katie Johnson, of raping her at one of Epstein's parties but that claim turned out to be not credible according to the jury. She later confessed that she made it all up after filing three lawsuits and dropped her suit.

Still, there is a looming case from Trump's past that may make that case legitimate against the alleged sexual predator in the White House who said he "grabs women by the p***y." A joint report by Wayne Madsen and Justice Integrity Project (JIP) revealed the story of “Maria,” who was identified in two 2016 federal civil lawsuits brought against Trump and Epstein by Johnson (aka, "Jane Doe" versus Trump).

Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein allegedly sodomized and raped Maria at the age of 12 along with at least one other underage girl at a midtown Manhattan townhouse in 1994, then owned by Epstein’s friend, Les Wexner, owner of companies like Victoria’s Secret, according to the investigation by the Andrew Kreig and Wayne Madsen.

According to Kreig and Madsen, "Maria was kidnapped on March 19, 1993, when she was 11-years old from the front of Nash’s Pizza in Waterbury, Connecticut. The girl's kidnappers were involved in a child trafficking ring that provided abductees to wealthy individuals like Trump and Epstein in Manhattan." That organization was not named in the report.

Johnson claimed Epstein raped her at two different parties, including once after she had been raped by Trump. During the second encounter with Epstein, Johnson stated that Epstein raped her "anally and vaginally despite her loud pleas to stop." Johnson further stated that Epstein attempted to assault her by hitting her head "with his closed fists," while he angrily screamed that he [Epstein], rather than Trump, should have been the one who took the girl's virginity.

According to the suit, Trump told Johnson that if she ever revealed the incident, the girl and her family would be "physically harmed if not killed." Johnson also stated that Epstein periodically reiterated to her Trump's earlier threat that if she were to "reveal any of the details of his sexual and physical abuse of her or else," she and her family would be "seriously physically harmed, if not killed."

If true, the question must be asked why Katie Johnson (Jane Doe) confessed to making up her claims; the answer could be that she was intimidated to do so either legally or physically. It's a known practice for lawyers to intimidate whistleblowers, victims and reporters alike to set them up for legal consequences.

On the other side of the fence, pedophile networks are known to produce snuff films of children, so they have no problem killing to protect their secrets, like the numerous deaths from the Franklin Coverup connected into the Franklin Credit Union (head at the time Larry King) and the White House call boy scandal.

Individuals murdered during that time period include lead investigator Gary Caradori in a plane crash, one of the victim's Troy Boner's brother (who was shot), Boner himself who died of mysterious causes, and lobbyist Craig Spencer (involved with trafficking.) There is a host of other dead bodies that piled up in this case. Still, no follow-up investigations ensued.

Paul Bonacci, another victim, alleged that previously accused Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino was running Project Monarch and involved in satanic sacrifice as well as Presidio. Bonacci further alleged that Aquino was running the Rocking X (Rolling X) group heavily involved in the Franklin Coverup and alleged to be responsible for the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch, an Iowa boy who went missing after a paper route.

Other victims in the Franklin cover up also alleged abuse by elites like Troy Boner who was later killed and Alicia Owen who was imprisoned and threatened if she gave her testimony including having a strange death of her brother Aaron Owens.

All three victims stated they saw Hollywood entertainers and prominent people, including politicians, at sex parties. Adding that they were "procured to rich and powerful people" at these events. The Franklin scandal at first involved a foster care home in Franklin Omaha, Nebraska being used for a trafficking operation connected into the Franklin Credit Union, but the case later expanded to include the elite of society as an international kidnapping ring was uncovered. A shocking total of eighty different children came forward claiming to be involved in a large-scale child kidnapping ring (Rolling X) to DeCamp. Only four of the victims and a photographer, Rusty Nelson, testified. All claimed that this specific pedo ring had a reach deep into government and the upper echelons of society.

In late 2003, Boner walked into a hospital in New Mexico screaming out “they’re after me, they’re after me because of this book,” (The Franklin Cover-up) which he was waving in the air. After Boner was mildly sedated and calmed down, he was put in a private room for observation. When nurses came back to check on him early the next morning, he was sitting in a chair, bleeding from the mouth and dead.

Former FBI Los Angeles Bureau Chief Ted L. Gunderson tried to get the autopsy and other details that were promised to him on Boner’s death, but it never happened. No news stories were published on Boner’s death, despite his notoriety in the Franklin case.

Bonacci once told investigators he toured the White House at midnight on July 3, 1988, with Craig Spence a lobbyist and political operative who arranged male prostitute visits to the White House. Spence turned up dead just three months after a June 29, 1989 Washington Times article was published, which exposed a call-boy operation that was run from within the Reagan-Bush White House.

In an August 9, 1989 edition of the Washington Times, Spence hinted that his White House prostitution operation was assisted by top-level people, naming Donald Gregg, national security adviser to Vice-President Bush. Spence, according to friends, was also carrying out homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA, presumably The Finders known inside as (Operation Brownstone.)

So Franklin highlights what happens to victims when they come forward about pedophile child trafficking they get intimidated with threats or end up dead if they don't shut up.

For a full list of documents on the Jane Doe case against Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump, you can visit the memoryhole.

There was also a creepy fully equipped dentist chair that was found in Epstein's island residence that nearly all media including alternative press seem to keep missing but the Dailymail, a tabloid, published pictures.

Given the facts that Epstein served on the board of the Mind, Brain and Behavior Committee at Harvard University, had a fully equipped dentist chair with straps, and the sick bastard was a Trilateral Commission and CFR member, who was connected to Robert Maxwell's daughter, one has to question whether or not there is more here than just trafficking of young girls. Ghislaine's dad Robert Maxwell (who stole the infamous Prosecutor's Management Information System, [PROMIS] software) died mysteriously when he fell off his luxury superyacht at night; Mirror journalist Geoffrey Goodman said at the time he suspects Maxwell was murdered, The Guardian reported.

There could be a torture and blackmail element that has yet to come out that is potentially even the level of Tavistock (the first known psychological brain experiments) or The Finders, (Operation Brownstone) which Robert Maxwell was alleged to have been involved with according to former FBI LA head Ted L. Gunderson, which MKUltra used "beta kitten" sexual slaves. This process was done through "sex programming" using frequencies, hypnosis, drugs, fear (to split a person's consciousness) and sexual subliminals. Brice Taylor was one of several alleged victims of MKUltra who came forward to Gunderson. Taylor claimed she was procured out to wealthy elitists. More relevant to our story, Taylor claimed that "My dentists, the Phillips brothers, had a dental office - they participated in my 'preparation' by torturing me with sharp dental instruments by drilling my teeth and poking exposed nerves without the use of Novocain."

Since Epstein wasn't a certified dentist, was trafficking women, and sat on the Harvard Brain and Mind board, the above can't be dismissed for these latest victims. Something strange is going on here that no one is talking about.

In a final strange connection with a similar component to Tavistock, Epstein contributed funds to support "the largest mental health clinic in the Virgin Islands." According to a 2012 press release:

Clear Blue Sky Inc. provides an unprecedented approach to mental health focusing on integrating patients or "members" into the local community to enhance not just a sense of responsibility and belonging, but life goals, confidence and hope.

A massive hidden video camera setup was discovered when Epstein's Florida mansion was raided. So this isn't as implausible as one might think that Epstein was running a blackmailing service for whatever party or parties. Lastly, this writer wonders why a serial pedophile trafficker would have an occult temple with tunnels under his Little St James island?

News of Epstein's arrest comes days after a federal appeals court ordered more than 2,000 documents related to the 2007 case to be released.

The documents will not be immediately available, as anonymous individuals involved in the case have two weeks to file appeals themselves.

The case is to be prosecuted in part by James Comey's daughter, Maurene Comey, while the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York is handling the matter. Their Public Corruption Unit is taking the lead on this, but are being helped by human trafficking officials and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Law and Crime reported.

The U.S. is ranked as one of the worst countries in the world for human trafficking, according to a recently released report by the State Department. The top three nations of origin for victims of human trafficking in 2018 were the United States, Mexico and the Philippines.

It's worth noting that U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order against human trafficking in 2018 during his second year in office. Trump expanded that fight earlier this year when he signed the Abolish Human Trafficking Act and numerous other acts against trafficking. President Trump also signed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act, authorizing $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking.

President Trump further proclaimed January 2019 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. In one of his first acts in office, President Trump signed an executive order to combat transnational criminal organizations that engage in international trafficking and exploit people according to White

The two events -- Jeffrey Epstein's arrest and Congressional bill against the Pentagon's child porn network -- are not connected in any way shape or form, nor does this author claim they are, but nonetheless it seems that a message is being sent to elite pedophiles that "their time is running out." A message which Nancy Pelosi's daughter, Christine Pelosi, tweeted as a bipartisan statement, "This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats."

By @An0nkn0wledge

Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post. Support us at Patreon. Follow us on Minds, Steemit, SoMee, BitChute, Facebook and Twitter.

Also Read from Activist Post: Child Sex Rings Reveal Unspeakable Acts of Power Elite

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