Democracy Discussion

in #politics7 years ago

What's your opinion on democracy?

Today it is generally regarded as the best form of government. If you ask me democracy is nothing more than an organized minority of citizens giving permission to and even small group of people to rule the rest of the country. I don't believe in government in the first place but if one has to exist is this really the best way to go about it?

According to The United States Election Project almost 139 million people voted in the 2016 election. That number represents about 60% of the 232 Americans eligible to vote. Donald Trump received 46.4% of the votes. So in essence, less than 30% of the population that is even eligible to vote did so for the eventual winner. Those numbers don't include people who are not eligible to vote for various reasons, but will still be subject to the rules put forth by the new rulers this minority of people voted to put into a position of power.

So in your opinion what makes democracy the exceptionally moral institution the U.S. Government and media makes it out to be?


P.S. The United States is a representative republic and not a true democracy as most now think it is. Government is government if you ask me, and I see no value in any form of government, but I find it funny that your average person in America is totally ignorant to this fact. This post is mostly to see what opinions others share, not to argue mine.


Your post makes me sick... Why a socialist or anarch capitalism flag when you talk about democracy? And no US people are not ignorants, literally everyone is. Everyone gets their news from the media and are all somewhat biased to believe one is bad and one is good. In my opinion, just leave it be. But what I have to say about socialism is that history is written by the victors but yet people hate the right so much that they forgot what the radical socialists has done to the east, and as a heritage from the east, I tell ya, the left is not less poisonous than the right, especially when it always calls with slogans and political correctness

Why an Ancap flag and talking about democracy? Read the last line....looking for others opinions out of curiosity. Thanks, you didn't disappoint. Like most people, your views on government are completely guided by emotions, not logic.

Also, please stop conflating socialism and Anarcho-Capitalism.