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RE: Australian PM announces plan to become top 10 exporter of death, destruction & misery

in #politics7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @chunger. I have been a keen observer (and consumer) of news and journalism for many years now and I believe we are now at a low point. Political partisanship on both sides of the idealogical paradigm is now more overt than ever. Alternative media is important, but that too often falls into the partisanship trap. That's why it's so important to get your information from as many sources as possible and formulate your own opinions from there.

The issue as I see it is not so much presenting facts (although there are many lies and falsehoods circulating in the mainstream media, particularly in regards to the Syrian war, for example), but it is in the selective reporting of certain facts, and the intentional non-reporting of other facts that do not fit the accepted narrative.

I agree 100% that we all have biases and that this will always be a component of any journalistic endeavour.

In case you missed it, you might want to check out my previous post on Media manipulation: How big news is messing with your mind

Thanks again for your thoughtful feedback.
