Biden had classified documents all over the place: Rules for thee not for me!

in #politics4 months ago

If there was ever any question about how corrupt our political system has become in the United States this should be one of the things that you take note of and remember it.

When the US government raided Donald Trump's private residence over "stolen classified documents" and the media jumped all over it talking about how it is "treason" and other such nonsense, one would assume, that if this country was actually based on any sort of justice being blind that the same sort of reaction would happen from Joe Biden having done exactly the same thing when he was not President or even if office at all. But of course that is not what is happening.


The raid was unnecessary especially the people that were there with rifles. What did they think was going to happen? Trump was going to have some footsoldiers pull some sort of Scarface defense of the compound? This could have gone horribly awry because of the fact that the Secret Service is charged with protecting all ex-Presidents with lethal force if need be.

The way the media reacted to it was ridiculous but not at all shocking because this is the same way they have handled everything that Trump has ever been involved in.


The media tried to present it all as if the documents were just sitting around all over the place when in actuality they were in a very secure location and were stored very differently. I recall one "analyst" trying to suggest that the top secret documents were just strewn on the floor and they intentionally put them near a window to attempt to make it look like anyone could just wander on by and reach in the window and grab classified documents. Some even speculated that the documents "could" contain military and nuclear secrets and they did this with no evidence whatsoever.

Now let's fast forward to where Biden kept his classified documents that he wasn't even supposed to have in the first place.


Now I am not suggesting that a person would be capable of simply walking into Biden's yard and rummaging through his garage, but that is far less secure than the Mar a Lago document storage, is it not? He also had them in multiple other rooms in the house as well as several other locations.

So why is one a crime against the country worthy of charges of treason in the media's eyes and the other is a non-issue? Well that is because the system is definitely favoring a particular party and honestly, if this sort of thing doesn't wake you up to realizing just how corrupt and one-sided our government is, then I don't know what it is going to take.

I'm certain every President has done things like this yet only one of them was focused on or had their home raided by the FBI. This isn't a coincidence.

I have voted 3rd party for nearly 2 decades but honestly, I am considering voting for Trump this year just so maybe some of this stuff can be brought to the forefront and maybe some actual reform could take place. I don't want a Democrat-run fake democracy and I also don't want a Republican one. Wouldn't it be nice if they at least did a better job pretending as though the system wasn't "rigged" like Trump has suggested many times?

On a silly side I would also like to see him re-elected just so we can see the crazy reaction of the left when it happens. I'm sure it will be just as bad this time around as it was with the screaming idiots that were posturing on social media the first time around.


It has gotten to the point with politics in the US that people genuinely want revenge on the other party these days. I don't think we will see it though because the system is too far "rigged" for anything meaningful to change no matter who is in the Oval Office.

The people that are defending Joe right now do this only because he isn't Trump. They don't want actual freedom, they are perfectly happy with an oligarchy provided it is THEIR oligarchy. If the shoe was on the other foot they would be crying, threatening to move to Canada, talking about human-rights violations and screaming to the heavens.


Of course, silly: he's a democrat. He has #newspeakliberalimmunity