Supreme Court rules 9-0 against Colorado excluding Trump from ballot. Trump makes very long-winded announcement

in #politics7 months ago

I called this a while ago when the news came out. I thought it was a very big deal and shows a lot about the divide in the USA based on who is currently running the leadership of various states. I think it shows a lot about how some states are so partisan that they don't even consider the ramifications or consequences of whatever actions they decide to take. When Colorado made a decision to exclude Trump from eligibility on ballots in their state I paid a little bit of attention to it because that seemed illegal to me. How can a state decide who is allowed on a ballot? This sounded to me a lot like communist countries where you have to be affiliated with a particular party in order to run for office.

When Colorado decided to do this and then Maine followed suit albeit in a different way, I was thinking to myself that there is no way that this will stand and sure enough, here we are months later and the Supreme Court of the nation put the smack down on that humpity bumpity.


Some people will see the name of the network in the bottom left of that picture and immediately "REEEEEEE!" about it because it is Fox News but before you lose your mind know that all other networks aired the same story, that was just the one that appeared in my Telegram news feed. Of course the liberal networks devoted as little time to this victory as possible and others barely mentioned it. I doubt there will be any long and drawn out roundtable discussions about how this is a travesty of justice because to do so, would make the person saying it look foolish. Maybe Whoopi Goldberg will run her mouth about it because her TDS is so strong, I don't know, maybe even she isn't stupid enough to voice her opinion on that.

The funny thing about the link that I got in the Telegram news feed did lead to a speech where Trump talked about this ruling in his favor and then he did something that I really dislike about Trump. I think even die-hard Trump supporters dislike this about Trump: He used this opportunity to spend 13 minutes rambling about things that don't even have anything to do with Colorado. Here is a link to it if you want to tear your own hair out...

All the talk that goes on about our two front-running candidates being incapable of reasonable speeches are based in truth to a great degree and lately the left has hilariously started to make a deluge of articles questioning Trump's cognitive capabilities to deflect from the fact that Biden, quite obviously, has extremely serious issues handling regular day-to-day things like a simple conversation. Trump doesn't suffer from that but he does suffer from a distinct lack of ability to stay on topic and present whatever it is that he has to say in a cohesive and understandable manner.

I only made it about 5 minutes through the above clip because he was just rambling. If he wanted to appeal to me he wouldn't present his entire CV of accomplishments, real or perceived, every single time he gets a microphone near him. It's just boring and repetitive and it turns me off of supporting the guy. I don't support the guy but I would rather not vote than have anything to do with Biden.

Getting back to the SCOTUS ruling: This was always going to happen and I think most sensible people knew that right after the news hit about Colorado doing this. In many ways states are allowed to march to the beat of their own drum hence marijuana being illegal Federally, but several states have decided to allow it. However, I think there are certain things that need to be universal if we are going to even pretend than these 50 states are "united." We need to be playing by the same rules when it comes to national elections and that is what the Supreme Court is for.

Even the justices that were put in their positions by Democrats quickly resolved this issue and nobody ruled in favor of Colorado. This was an easy one though because of course you can't do that. I don't know what the elected officials of Colorado were thinking when they even tried to do this because it takes away any sort of credibility that they might have had before this.

I went to college with a few people that relocated to Colorado after graduation and as you would expect, most of them are extremely liberal now. We still get along and talk every now and then and even though almost all of the Coloradans I know are very much on the left, all of them thought that this ruling on the part of Colorado was seriously stupid. At least it appears as though a little bit of our government still functions in the way it was originally intended to.


Democrats screamed that Trump was being undemocratic yet here they are trying to eliminate their leading opposition.