My Values and How they Fit on the Left/Right Paradigm

in #politics7 years ago

I just thought I'd write down a list of my values and slot them into the Left/Right Slots. Some things I agree with the Left on and some things I agree with the Right on. Generally I want to get rid of all government. But here we go!

Left Side

  • The environment is important and should be protected.
  • One should be free to express their sexuality however they like.
  • The state has no place in marriage save to perhaps record that it happened.
  • End the war on drugs.
  • Prostitution should be legal.
  • Open source is awesome
  • Academic information should be publicly and freely available. (Scientific papers should be under the creative commons for example).
  • Don't break the internet. Keep encryption secure. Let people link. Let people share. You don't need to be an uberhacker to understand this.
  • Crowdfunding is an awesome way to fund public projects.
  • Censorship is evil.
  • Freedom of speech.
  • Freedom of religion.
  • Freedom of association.
  • cryptocurrency = money = legal and supported.
  • KYC must die.
  • pay should be based on merit not gender, race, age or sexuality. Can you get the job done? Yes or no?
  • police need warrants and probably cause + evidence (though I'd still argue we don't really need police)

Right Side

  • Right to bear arms, this includes all guns, knives, your slingshot, everything.
  • Conceal and carry = Yes
  • Voluntary exchange of goods and services. I.e. barter and capitalism.
  • Economic freedom. (I.e. choose whatever way you want to distribute or exchange wealth you wish. If you are communist or have a gift economy that's cool so long as you don't compel anyone to participate.)
  • Body Sovereignty and Health Freedoms. It is unethical to perform a medical procedure on someone without their explicit consent or mandate a medical procedure.
  • Self sufficiency, decentralization and individual means of production. (ex. Living off the grid, growing your own food, hosting your own Diaspora pod.)
  • Political correctness is evil and inhibits intelligent conversation. It's also a form of censorship. ("OMG I'm offended and you shouldn't be allowed to post that!" Is censorship! And this inhibits free speech!) I don't care if you are offended!
  • Breastfeeding in public should be legal.
  • Parents have the final say over their children. That includes health care, religion and moral values. (No it is not okay for the state to medically kidnap children because the parents do not want to vaccinate. No it is no okay for schools to insist children participate in a religious ceremony. No it is not okay for the state to mandate public education and not allow for homeschooling and unschooling. Hell it's not okay for the state to mandate public education at all...)
  • There are two biological genders. Male and female. Sperm and Ova. XX and XY. Everything else is in your head. (Which does not mean I give a damn which bathroom you use or who you fuck.)
  • Immigrants should be vetted before entering the country.
  • Lose the minimum wage (I'm mostly coming at this from the perspective of micro-transactions).
  • Kill the banks. Reintroduce Gold standard.
  • Grow food and use water on your own land.
  • Taxation = theft
  • Freedom of speech
  • Freedom of association
  • freedom of (all) religion
  • freedom of disassociation
  • freedom of travel
  • defend oneself and one's home + family
  • privacy is of value

I know this is kind of a mish mash but I'm mainly just writing this because people keep accusing me of being on the left or the right. I'm not on either. I'm sure I'll have to add to this list eventually but this should do for now. Feel free to comment and share.


Well said and listed. There is not one item i can disagree with.

Wow, 'Breastfeeding in public should be legal.'

That one made me LOL, communists dont breastfeed in public? I dont remember seeing that in Marx, perhaps it was Stalin who banned it?

Fair play for putting your shit on the line.