Iranian Terrorism is a CIA, Mossad-concocted Myth!

in #politics7 years ago


This is one of my most controversial articles regarding our current, geopolitical climate. Indeed, it's the type of "They Live" article that keyboard commandos are too afraid to write for fear of repercussions. Unfortunately for the Bilderberg elites, there ain't no taming this bull! If you're a mainstream "normal" who likes his or her fiat-engineered reality, you will probably not like this article. But if you do read it, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK! Don't cry to me like a typical Steemit-SJW bitch if you find the truth offensive.


Iranian Terrorism is a CIA, Mossad-concocted Myth!

One of the more disappointing broken promises from President Trump is the "America First" mandate. This wasn't just an outpouring of nationalistic sentiment, and the need to revamp our broken immigration system. More broadly, America First meant staying out of geopolitical conflicts that had nothing to do with our domestic interests or security.

(This article originally ran on Crush The Street --

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Now into his eighth month in office, President Trump is worryingly repeating age-old myths and obfuscations. Primarily, Iranian terrorism is back on the political playbook -- and no one knows why. After all, there is no greater truth in geopolitics than the fact that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Iran, as a Shia-majority government, is a natural counterweight to radical, Sunni-sponsored terrorism.

Iranians aren't even Arabs. Indeed, Iran's history is marked with bitter sectarian violence with its Arab neighbors. Saudia Arabia funds and sponsors much of today's Islamic terrorism -- Al Qaeda, ISIS, and others follow extreme Wahhabi irrationalism. Yet our own State Department insists that Iranian terrorism is the biggest threat to the U.S. and Israel.

Such inflammatory lies divert the American public's attention from the true sources and impetus of terrorism. Accusations of rampant Iranian terrorism ignore the fact that an international psyop cabal of the CIA, British Intelligence, and Mossad, joined forces to overthrow Iran's popularly-elected leadership.


Consider that many liberal Americans are protesting violently in the streets for alleged Russian collusion. How angry would they or anyone be if the allegations were true?

With Iran, there's no denying that the CIA and Mossad engaged in social and political engineering, primarily for the sake of British oil companies. That is, Iran is hated for wanting to nationalize its own natural resources. It's exactly the same circumstance as when former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein threatened to sell oil in a currency other than the U.S. dollar.

Saudia Arabia, the epicenter of radical Islamic terrorism, does not face any criticism for its actions. Why? Because they learned to play along with the psyop propagated by the CIA, British intelligence, and Mossad. Note President Trump's prior state visit to Saudi Arabia. Did the women in the presidential entourage have to wear potato sacks on their heads? No. Was a very Jewish and very Zionist Jared Kushner allowed to step foot on pure, Muslim soil? Yes!

Both the American and Israeli government know damn well that Iranian terrorism is no threat to them. But the psyop of selling the fear is what gives these illegitimate intelligence operatives power. President Trump should recognize these dynamics as he has demonstrated incredible discernment in the past.

Unfortunately, he is taking our entire nation on more Middle Eastern incursions, all under the watchful direction of the CIA and Mossad.

Thank you SO MUCH for covering this topic - so much misconception out there of who's at war with who, and who the aggressors are

Same for North Korea you think?

I'm sorry I have to disagree with you 100% to say Iran has not engaged in domestic and or regional attacks abroad. Not long ago there was the "green" revolution which you can say was, or was not funded by the US. But at the end of the day a young women got shot peacefully protesting. Her end was caught on camera and went viral a few years back. How quickly we forgot about that. As well the Iranian regime has funded Hezbollah, which is recognized internationally as a terrorist organization. They have committed many crimes over the decades and as well are used by the Iranians to fight their "shadow" wars. They are in Syria right now fighting Iranian wars. Iran has also straight out said DEATH to Israel, Death to the United states. Not to be a rag or a nag but any discourse saying death to anyone is not exactly how "leaders" should speak. It is true Saudi Arabia is neglected because it is an "ally". I have always maintained that neither side has their hands clean. I do tell you this, as much as I hate the fascism in The West, i'm not thinking the Middle east (Saudi Arabi) especially Iran would allow me my my freedom of speech.

Excellent points. I would like to ask this question. Do Iran and North Korea have central banks like all the rest of the countries in the world???

I love your article!! Fuck Zionist kings with their Saudia Arabia private mob killers!!!! :)))

The large part of their power lies in the ability to influence the minds of millions of Americans through media, movies, and education. The narrative we are told is the correct one is geared at overthrowing smaller nations by rebel or terrorist groups that do not conform economically to the US (central banking control, resource access). They are willing to kill their own citizens and send us to war in order to further their grip on geopolitics. Trump has said that we will learn soon enough who was behind 9/11, and he hints that Saudi wasn't as involved as we think. This post of mine links to a video that goes over the deep Israeli/Jewish connection to 9/11, as well as their traitorous Neo-Con compatriots like Cheney who stood down and helped destroy the evidence, which made a criminal investigation futile.
Iran will continue to be blasted as the devil as long as the Neo-Con/Jewish power structure is allowed to meddle in our politics, decide what gets put in the media, and run the central bank. I have a lot of hope that they have failed in their agenda and their influence has begun to unravel. They wanted us to go into war in Iran, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, and Syria after 9/11 and were unable to make it happen. Almost 20 years later, more and more people know how much they've been lied to. Iran is a country that promotes sovereign nationalism over its resources and people, and even if many are fundamental Muslims, their funding of terrorism is a puddle in the lake of misinformation of the Zionist Neo-Cons.

It's good to discuss these things. I haven't been too political on steemit, but i think most people here are aware we live in a bubble of our own propaganda. unfortunately, too many americans are isolated from the world physically, culturally, and spiritually. What's been going on the the middle east for a long-time but especially the past 15 years is a travesty and militarism doesn't solve anything.