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RE: What is Cultural Marxism & Critical Theory? The Decay of The Modern Left

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Naw...are you herding cats?! But you get two points for trying.
IMO, the whole idea of social science(and I always liked, and still like, the social sciences) is fraught with difficulties, like leading the blind through a mine field... (while blindfolded. )

And Cultural Marxism seems like pounding square pegs into round holes, or like pushing water up hill. I no longer have any time for such nonsense etc. It seems a vain attempt to create perfect gubmint? How about "no government" instead? Like a form of agorism-voluntaryism, perhaps?

It just becomes tiresome/self referential, and like an Ourboros it seems that eventually it will try to swallow it's own tail.

It is my opinion that the "New Left" lies in Anarcho-syndicalism or the Voluntaryist movement also known as Agorism. I come to this position based on watching most good liberal ideas go to die the slow death when presented to the elected leaders on the "Left" who have real legislative/governmental power and fail to use said power to benefit the people. These leaders are not our allies, and notice how they seem very proud to regard us as their enemies.


I think you are more caught up on terminology than the fact that we probably agree on more than we disagree on. Did you actually watch the video? Like it or not these people have taken over representation for the left. They may not represent classical liberalism but they are certainly hijacking the leftist narrative. In my opinion Voluntaryism is neither left nor right, and really has very little to do with government, nor should it. The government only knows how to operate thru force and coercion. Unfortunately in "swallowing it's own tail" as you say, it is going to tear down a large portion of civil society as we know it in the process. It is better that we replace the current system by displacing it with a better one, not by burning it down.