The Final Hour - Buckle Up Boys and Girls!

in #politics4 years ago (edited)


There's a lot is going on out there today .. and from what I can tell the world as we know it is about to drastically change! .. the actual Truth of the matter is that we're reaching a period of great revelation, however a tribulation and we're about to witness an unprecedented cultural transformation more massive than we can possibly imagine .. in my eyes, we've now reached the final hour .. what most people don't realize though is this: the unprecedented series of events that are rapidly incoming (that I'm very clearly able to see coming from over the horizon) are actually in fact all going to eventually lead to a far more positive outcome than they could ever believe could be possible in their wildest dreams .. however, we're going to have to trudge through a rapidly draining, swampy cesspool first .. you think 2020 has been challenging so far? .. ooooh boy! .. you're in for a shocker!!! .. the circus that is known as "2020" has only just begun ..

What I can tell by looking through my well crafted looking glass is that It's going to get extremely weird, and FAST .. many people will have a difficult time with properly digesting and discerning much of the information at first .. what I've observed recently in silence, is that there has been some official declassifications of various important documents directly from government sources that, if rightfully understood, should shock people to the deepest of their cores .. real news that should start actually vindicating much of what many people have already been saying for a long time now, but since most peoples particular brand of "news" media hasn't really been talking focusing on very much of it, and with the "official news" media spreading intentional disinformation at an unprecedented level, almost everyone is left completely in the dark, blinded from coming to be aware of what has actually been taking place, as it's outside of their awareness. Basically, the only information most people have been receiving by their favorite talking heads have been about "that Hitlerian" hooligan named Donald J. Trump, and all of the zany, wacky shenanigan's he's been up to!

"OMG covfefe! .. Orange man bad! .. He shouldn't say those things!"

Yes, we can all agree .. Trump IS quite a character, and many of his tweets are questionable and extremely edgy and over the top as well (I'm sure that even he's aware of this as fact) .. (he's been intentionally trolling the media, in case you haven't caught on to this fact yet.) .. (fuck political correctness! I'm personally pro-free speech) and no I don't agree with everything he's done or said during his life, but he's only human like any of us, doesn't anyone out there find it just a tiny bit weird that these media sources are spending so much time and energy fixated on him, painting him as a threat? .. I also find it rather odd, not to mention off-putting that hardly anyone has been writing or talking about the more profound stories that have been taking place, such as the unprecedented amount of sealed indictments, or all of the high level human trafficking busts that have been taking place lately .. think about it people .. it's clear to me that what SHOULD be front page news isn't even being shown and all I can see from the "news" much of the time are constant distractions .. on both sides.

I just wish I could instantly transfer the knowledge that I've become acutely aware of into everyone's mind somehow in order to reduce the collective mental anguish we're all going through, because the truth is that there are so many things being kept from us and secret technologies being withheld from the public at large, that we WILL be absolutely shocked and seriously disgusted that we could have ever been blinded to it all!.. especially because "the bad guys" have been so open and brazen about what they've been up to .. when the true moment of revelation finally comes to pass, many people who will become so paralyzed and incapacitated by the news, that they will likely be unable to even climb out of bed once they finally get "woke" to what's really going on.

See, one of the problems is that since dawn of the creation of digital and print media, is that unless you've taken a lot of time to develop the ability to discern fact from fiction, it's so difficult to know for sure what information that can even be trusted to be truthful in the first place, especially when large groups of intelligent psychopaths intentionally plant disinformation into the mix, creating a hellish smokescreen effect that we've been forced to put up with. The truth is that we've been swimming in a sea of lie .. We've literally been living in a world where we've had "EVIL" genius, "mad scientist" creepy ass dark sorcerers that have been controlling our lives, and destinies, and those who speak up about it have had to be ostracized for it .. til now! .. or very soon I should say!

This swamp I'm that speaking of is so incredibly deep and treacherous, and we've lived in it our entire lives .. so putridly filthy and disgusting that it's pretty easy for me to understand why it's so difficult for most people to begin to even fathom it's true scope, because "the rabbit hole" IS quite deep! .. but it WILL be drained though, that much I know beyond just simple blind faith, without a shadow of doubt, but "the bad guys" are going to go down in a hissy fit, throwing a temper tantrum, kicking and screaming like little sniveling children who can't have their way anymore .. they're going to try flipping the game board over before they face public humiliation and defamation .. that's why this is all going to go down as quickly as I'm predicting, once "the grand flush" is finally triggered. If this house of cards is about to fall, they need to do so with enough care so that there is still a miniature more resilient house standing after the cascade begins, and thankfully, by the looks of what I can tell, they have done just that.

What a lot of these people who are "in on it" don't know or realize is that since they've been compartmentalized and blinded from the truth, and due to their arrogant nature, they aren't even aware that they've been on the losing team for quite a while now .. "Too big to fail" they think .. they think that what has been happening is all just a big hiccup .. a one off, as it were .. but once it's all said in done, these "agent provocateur's" won't be getting an income from their former bosses anymore anyway, due to their ongoing, lengthy prison sentences they'll be granted (if not the death sentence, in many instances) .. Luckily, a lot of these people who had been on the side of what I'll refer to as "the opposition" are now turning over a new leaf and switching teams, in many instances, as a way of reducing their lengthy jail sentence, the rats have been scurrying as the ship has been sinking and they've been ratting each other out .. you obviously can't trust a rat with secret information .. not to mention all of the blatant, in your face symbolism will finally be understood and recognized by the masses. Their "hidden in plain sight" system, and blatant pedophilia will quite literally be their own downfall .. and If there is one thing humanity absolutely will not tolerate it's pedophilia.

Now the grand question that everyone should really be asking should be .. if you are only just now starting to "wake up", as it were, how is one supposed to figure out who is telling the Truth? .. here's what I suggest, because discernment must be learned .. look at the track records of these various organizations and different brands of "news" media and analyze who they support/hate, because it should be clear to everyone here at least, that SOMEONE has been lying to us! .. Let's take a look at CNN for example .. they have a LONG track record of flagrant, outright lying and blatant propaganda about pretty much everything and at this point, practically everyone should already be aware of the fact that they are a crock of shit, I don't need to even dig into their long horrible track record, you can do this yourself, but if you are unaware of this simple fact, don't claim to be a "researcher" of any kind! .. ok, so now that we've basically narrowed that down, you can start watching CNN by inverting the information they are propagating .. what I mean by this is that if they are saying one thing, then the truth is is quite likely the opposite .. there is one thing that we can all agree on here .. SOMEONE is blatantly lying to us! .. we should start asking ourselves: whos on "team humanity"? .. Why is "Orange man" so bad? .. hmmmm .. in the past, I've been attacked quite frequently for expressing my viewpoint .. why should this happen? .. Why is it that I've triggered people in the past just for sharing my viewpoint? .. Hey, I'm always willing to admit when I'm wrong, but I express myself with as clearly as possible, but personally, It just hasn't been common for me to find people who carry the capacity of having a healthy, constructive debate, without becoming childish about having their viewpoints challenged .. Shouldn't it be normal and healthy for a person to want to know and discover the Truth for themselves? .. Shouldn't we want to know what's really going on in the world?

"Spy Vs. Spy" or "Black Hats vs. White Hats".. playing an ancient, hidden game of chess .. this game has been played out in the shadows for longer than any of us even know .. these secret shadow groups have existed in tandem for the same timeframe. Agents, double agents, triple agents mixed with advanced algorithm detecting technology and software, distractions, deep undergound bases, Antarctica secrets, etc. ad nauseum .. if you aren't up to speed, what was "world war II" only evolved into a cold, shadow war and it's been happening in the background ever since the Nazis transported their top scientists into the US establishments during what was called at the time "project paperclip".

I've been labeled a "conspiracy theorist" before so many times in my life, (ironically, if you do some research on the topic, it was actually a term which was initially constructed with the specific ill-intent of discrediting anyone who crosses the "official narrative" .. this is a bona-fide fact, look into it!) but the problem is this: what happens when a conspiracy theory is proven to be true? .. not even a remnant of a whimper is heard .. there isn't really much that happens .. there's no fanfare, no alarms go off, nope .. not even a note of apology is handed over to any of the so called "conspiracy theorists", or whistleblowers out there who have been raising alarms on various issues .. just silence. The media stays silent, since their version of reality doesn't include the knowledge of the top level busts that have been going down. "They" own the media!

(.. and I've definitely been targeted in the past, but obviously if anything were to happen to me, it would publicly draw attention to all of the work that I've published over the years, and I'm sure they wouldn't want that .. just stating this fact for my own personal reasons, which should be obvious.)

I can't tell you how to see the Truth or how to connect the dots .. that's your job! .. but it's your own responsibility to unravel the Truth for yourself, because this is the problem with the world! .. the only problem in this world is that everyone is being ignorant and not actually being honest about their acquired "facts" and that they are actually being biased and narrow minded, willfully choosing to be ignorant to particular strains of information .. if you want to discover the Truth, you must look at EVERY side and being willing to go against the grain on certain pieces of knowledge in some instances .. there was a time where the world at large thought the earth was flat at one point in history .. should people have remained ignorant to the scientists that were propagating the "globe conspiracy theory" at the time? .. Yup, there was a time when it was a conspiracy theory to believe the earth was round! .. The fact of the matter is that society doesn't evolve until we finally fix this long running problem, which is that we've basically been living a lie.

So with all of that being said, I'll give you a brief rundown of what I've come to deduce based on my personal perspective .. this is coming from myself, and I honestly have good reason to believe that I have a high degree of awareness/intelligence/discernment on these topics due to many years of critical, well thought out research on topics that most people completely avoid .. I have a certain degree of expertise on this subject matter .. I wasn't willing to just avoid research on certain topics, even if it was different than what was taught by us in society .. I was vigorous with my pursuit of knowledge of the Truth .. (and no I don't believe the Earth is flat).

What a lot of people don't realize is that there have also been GOOD secret societies throughout history as well .. around 70 years ago, they began to hatch together what this group had referred to as "the plan" .. fast forward to 2016 .. it's the year of the presidential election .. everyone expected Hillary Clinton to win, as Trump was an outsider, and spoke outside of what was deemed "politically correct" .. election day comes and lo and behold, TRUMP WINS .. It was at this very moment that the "Black Hats" dropped the ball and lost their plot in the narrative .. they haven't regained it ever since.

Again, ask yourself .. why is there an unprecedented amount of flack being thrown at Trump attacking him vigorously from all angles? .. this is a critically important question you need to ask yourself .. around that same timeframe a group posting on 4chan named "Qanon" starts to make anonymous posts, disclosing aspects of "the plan" and how behind the scenes there has been a large, ongoing international movement to free humanity from the human traffickers and from it's long worn shackles .. all Qanon has posted have been questions, and disclosing behind the scenes knowledge .. That's it! .. now why is everyone hating on Qanon? .. according to Qanon, (which anyone can easily follow at there is a large international sting operation taking place, aimed at secretly taking down these elite figures, such as Obama or Hillary Clinton .. Trump refers to them as "the invisible enemy".

Qanon has existed since around 2016 .. No one really mentioned anything publicly about Qanon until recently, where now the media is trying to paint Qanon followers as being some kind of hate cult, which is a flat out, outrageous lie and it's IMMENSELY so far from the Truth! .. I've been observing the Qanon phenomenon from the sidelines since the beginning of this movement, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that not once have they spoken anything indecent .. only high level disclosures of information .. but since the "bad guys" are now openly attacking Qanon, bringing awareness to the disclosures, it must mean they are desperate, otherwise, why would they waste so much energy on a so called LARP on 4chan, risking the fact that now Qanon is going to have more attention? .. think about it folks!

No one expected Trump could ever win, I know I for one was quite surprised! .. I supported the movement even back then at the time, and I knew even then that he wasn't in allegiance with the old world order, and to me, that was the most important thing (those "people", the evil cabal are into human trafficking folks! .. why would anyone with the right mind support these sick "people"? .. ignorance no more!) .. he was the only candidate who had any hope for promoting change, and he's been holding up to his promises .. but as history has shown, the evil cabal had just kept winning their seats in office, so I thought it was unlikely at the time .. boy was I wrong! .. but I did have a mini celebration that election night by myself .. I knew the ramifications of what this meant even then .. and "the best is yet to come", as he keeps telling us.

Quite frankly I thought Hillary was going to win since they were rigging the vote machines, but even that didn't stop Trump from winning .. Holy hell, we'd be in a far worse world right now if Hillary had won! .. Thank GOD she didn't win! .. (Anyone who has already critically researched "pizzagate" and it's implications, should then be aware of the true wickedness of Hillary Clinton, and her true intentions.) I simply just don't understand how so many people don't see this as clearly as I do .. it's important to realize this fact .. and yet somehow, he managed to pull it off his victory with a landslide, no less! .. to me, this clearly proves that the so called "powers that were" now have far less control than they appeared to have in the past. A true miracle!

To close, I challenge anyone reading this to consider opening up your mind up just a bit, and start asking yourself the right questions, like why the world is actually in such a disastrous situation .. because it's been pretty bad for as long as I can remember, even before this alleged "pandemic", and it's only gotten progressively worse .. and also, if you haven't done so already, I challenge you to grow the intelligence and minor amount of hutspa necessary to investigate Qanon with an open mind .. that's all! .. we're past the point of the necessity of war, don't you all think? (Trump has been actively trying to get troops back and clear up the middle east .. just saiyin'!).. I know that I'm sure ready for some real change! .. and plus, once we're on the other side of this, we'll get all the advanced technology toys that they've kept from us!! .. Where we go one, we go all! Bring it on! .. I've been waiting for this to go down my entire life.

Just imagine .. world peace! .. I know I'm ready.