Martin Luther King would shit a brick!!

in #politics7 years ago

With Martin Luther King Jr. day just weeks behind us, I find myself thinking about him. What sticks out in my mind, and what I believe to be the focus of his message. The beautiful dream that what matters most in people is what makes you unique and not what group you belong to or what you look like. Or how much meaningless shit you've accumulated. And the dream that MLK fought for has never been farther from the truth. And the greatest perpetrators of this reversal in the progress made is the leftists with neo conservatives holding the door for them. From the top to the bottom. They push identity over merit. Outrage over understanding. Judgment on people's appearance!!!!! It is to the point where the govt is outwardly discriminating against a group because of their race. And giving benefits to other groups on the same grounds. How can a school accept students that don't earn what everyone else has to earn? And this is not an attack on minority's because Asians are minority's as well. It's the point of MLK's dream! They have got it ass backwards and it's killing the youth of this country. But there is hope. I have met some young people that see through the lies. They are smart. They are young and they want to achieve. And while antifa and the Soros mafia are busy sewing hammer and sickle patches on their wrist warmers, the smart are realizing that every day is an opportunity to make this country what it was meant to be. A place where the government serves the people. And people don't serve the government. It's been to long that the Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Loretta Lynch, Hussain and the rest of the parasites that have gotten rich on selling out the country. It's time we must stand together and try to leave petty difference aside and unite against things that anyone can agree on. For example lobbying must end. How can this have happened in the first place. And the court system must be returned to common law jurisdiction. Admiralty jurisdiction must go. To many good people are caught up in "crimes" where there is no victim. And the State can not! Be a victim. It makes no sense until you understand how many people make money from the prison industrial complex. But our tax dollars need not be spent kidnapping our brothers and sisters for victimless crimes. Sorry to get off topic. Bear with me I am new to this and trying to find my stride. So in the end I think MLK would break out the baby powder and start smacking bitches. I ask myself if these people actually believe what they are doing is right or if they are purposefully deceiving people? It's hard to tell but maybe some day they will see the light. Until then we have much work to do.