Abortion is the leading cause of Death in America, and its due to laziness and selfishness

in #politics7 years ago

Here's my argument:


Many sources like the one above (pro-life, or anti-abortion, etc) try to project from 2009 because the CDC doesn't actively keep records of abortion rate like they do other causes of death, since the CDC doesn't consider abortion "death". By those studies the death toll is often past 1,000,000. Even in the CDC's data gathering, they admit that 664,435 abortions were reported to them. Since they were self reported instead of actively recorded, and since they only hear of legal ones (again by their own admission), then I assume the toll is actually much higher.

Heart related deaths however are slightly less. They total at 614,348 for 2014 for instance. That means that abortions, no matter what measure, are higher. Whether they total 1,000,000 + a year is up for debate, but it's not an unreasonable estimate, since the 1 milliion number is simply an estimate of legal ones, let alone illegal one from abortion pills (and I don't mean plan b, sometimes people misconstrue what I mean by that).

I think when people are intellectually honest they know that a pregnant woman is carrying a child. It's not a matter of choice, an anti-abortion argument is a matter of preserving an innocent life. They're holding a little life in them that's outside of their own life. If it dies, she doesn't. In any other context people would be upset with hurting that child. Legally if another person killed the woman, they would go to jail for double homicide, not single. If someone hurt a pregnant woman, her family and she herself would be concerned for her ability to become pregnant again, about the baby's health, and about the future birth. It's because they know, in their heart, that baby is alive already.

As far as men not being allotted an opinion, that's a little bizarre. If the baby were born, I know that woman would want the Father around and in the baby's life. Ultimately, the women could abort against others' wishes, but the man was there to conceive the child. If he's expected to stick around and be a Father, he's part of the say in whether his child dies. On the flip side, another reason this isn't pro choice is that the vast majority of women who get abortions are pressured into it by MEN.

About 50% of women are pro-life, and many want restrictions:



The second source is lefty but even they acknowledge women are very torn over the matter. Take this man in the news recently, he's a republican politician and even he's pressuring women into abortions (very hypocritical and wrong):


Why would he have to pressure anyone if women were for abortion? I really feel that in the moment most women are against abortion and that many regret the ones they've had. I know anecdotally that many women were pressured explicitly by men, or even threatened into getting IUD's, pills, etc, because the men say they would make her abort their child. That's very oppressive. In any case I think it highlights how the argument for pro-choice is misleading. I'm not anti-choice, I'm anti-abortion.

Lastly, the vast majority of women getting abortions are not doing them because of rape. If they were, I don't think that that would be an excuse to get an abortion. A child did nothing wrong, and although it can hurt to relive a terrible experience, of course, it can hurt even more to abort a child. Many women I know think of it this way: "Why abort the child if they did nothing wrong? Why not make something beautiful out of something tragic?".


Here are some reasons women cited for having abortions (noted in detail in link above) It's from 1987. Only 1 percent was from rape.

21% said they just felt unready.
12% say they have problems with their man or are worried about being a single parent (notice they don't say ARE single. They're worried their man isn't reliable).
21% said can't afford
8% they had all the kids they wanted (apparently not all the sex they wanted?)
16% CONCERNED it will change their life.

That sounds like a lot of me me me. Look for yourself, but that's just 1987, now look at a 2000 study:

46% said they wanted one simply because they just didn't use contraception. So they regretted getting pregnant after the fact. That's a HUGE amount. Out of the 53% that said they used contraception, 70% didn't use it properly.. that's a lot..

Here's another study done in 2005:


The results in that study:

The vast majority of reasons given are a matter of convenience, not because of rape or potential harm. If it's a matter of convenience then they should just wait to have sex until they want to have kids. Sex makes kids, it doesn't matter how many condoms you put on. And if a man impregnates a woman, oh well, they knew what they were getting into. It's not reasonable to commit murder because sex feels good. It's extremely hard to get pregnant by "accident". People are using abortion as a contraceptive measure. I mean even in the survey above people admitted they didn't use contraceptive measures and just kept having sex..

The reason the people getting abortions are getting pregnant is really laziness. Just pulling out and the women waiting when she's not fertile has a 99% effectiveness rating:


the source is very extensive but here's their line item I mentioned:

"Fertility Awareness + Withdrawal = 99.92% effective with perfect use - 93.5% effective with typical use"

That's really effective and that's free. Most women can chart their cycle easily with free apps nowadays, and counting Day 8 to Day 19 off limits makes it very hard to get pregnant. Men also know 100% of the time when they're going to cum, so pulling out or not is a matter of their choice. The fact of the matter is men and women are choosing to have sex in the first place, choosing to not do it wisely, and then getting abortions as a matter of convenience. That's what is happening the vast majority of the time, and that's only at a very cursory glance. For that, and honestly there's tons more, it's really sad that women are getting abortions, and that there are so many of them..

Please share, pray, and spread this argument, and make similar arguments. Our children are being sacrificed to a false idol of hedonism and they desperately need us as advocates.