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RE: If Hitler Had Won

in #politics8 years ago

It's funny how the world can demonise Hitler, while Stalin and FDR get a free pass. When I talk to people about Hitler, it seems like they ascribe him certain subhuman or superhuman qualities. People even wear the hammer and sickle on T-shirts, which makes me recoil a little. Of course, the hammer and sickle have a meaning outside their representation of the USSR... but so does the swastika - in fact, the swastika has much wider use.

As an aside, some say that to demonise the use of the swastika is a kind of mind control, like Newspeak in 1984. Take a symbol that means good fortune, prosperity, and even God, and turn around to mean pure evil.

Another important note is, of course many countries in Europe have a separation of political "leadership" - in Germany, it's the president and the chancellor. In the US, there is no such separation. The very separation which was a key point in Hitler's rise to Führer-ship just doesn't exist. Seems like a somewhat precarious balance.

Thanks for posting. I guess you can take the rigorous debate going on in the comments as something of a compliment haha.


I always try to stir the readers' mind so we can discuss about sensitive topics. Glad you enjoyed it.