$10,000,000 For 300 Electric Vehicles for three years? Cars Used for LAPD Commander to Get Her Nails Done? LA has some "Splainin" To Do

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

When asked if getting a manicure in a city vehicle is within LAPD Policy, will the Explanation that “It doesn’t appear to be.” really suffice?

LAPD Cars.png

LAPD made a big show last year by "greening" its fleet and "saving money". I'm not sure how letting a few hundred electric vehicles sit around fulfills either goal, but the cares sure come in handy for LAPD employees to take joyrides. See the CBS Los Angeles story below:


Anytime politicians say "It's for the Earth" or "It's for the children" hold on to your wallets and ask more questions. This is political speak for I want your money and don't want to explain why or what I'm going to do with it. Here is LAPD Deputy Chief Jorge Villegas' quote “It’s all a part of saving the Earth, going green … quite frankly, to try and save money for the community and the taxpayers.”

Just another example of why we, the VOTERS, need to be vigilant.