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RE: The Single Stupidest Argument In The Entire Stupid Salad Of Russiagate

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Caitlin, great article and well needed as always. You are wrong on just one point. You are calling Rogin stupid, he is anything but. He is a professional liar and his twist and turns of deceit are nothing but pure genius.

The hard fact that most Americans will never be able to voice is that Rogin is Jewish. Say that and all you will hear is anti-semite, anti-semite even if it has nothing to do with race.

It is really all about religion and nationality. Jewish people are by default Israelis. Josh simply wants this country to continue the work of reshaping the middle east for his “other” country and will do anything or say anything to ensure that. He will never accept someone like Gabbard as a candidate for President.

You have to tow the line for the Israeli lobby. John McCain knew this, Lindsey Graham know this, everyone should really. It is Really quite simple.

Imagine if all the Jewish officials, media personalities etc. who hold two passports, speak two languages and worship at the church of Israel were all Russian, held a Russian passport, spoke Russian and belonged to the Russian Orthodox church. What would people be saying then?

Is this not the argument Josh is making. That Tulsi Gabbard holds allegiance to another country. Why is Josh Rogin above scrutiny?

I will tell you why, because being called an anti-semite, even if is totally ridiculous is more than people can bear or withstand. Opposing Israel equals evil racist in today’s world.

The first thing I do when I hear comments or writing like this from Rogin is search to see if they are Jewish. Josh Rogin in not stupid.