Serving The Community Through Bulletproof Glass

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Lawmakers in Philadelphia have recently voted, 14-3, to pass Bill 170963 which seeks to crackdown on “Stop-N-Go” shops (also known as “beer delis”) by seeking to create new restaurant licenses for business establishments with fewer than 30 seats. Because 29 seats just doesn't cut it.

The new changes are looking to limit what they can sell and what sort of business they can do, among other changes including what looks like an attempt to ban the use of bulletproof glass in the city for some businesses.

The original sponsor of the bill, city councilwoman Cindy Bass, has previously suggested that having people reach through or communicate through bulletproof glass promotes indignity.

Those in favor of the bill think that it's not really fair, that it's dehumanizing to have to get someone to carry out an exchange if they have to do so through bulletproof glass. They also note that there are other businesses in the area who don't have to resort to using bulletproof glass to do business.

However, many store owners have fired back against the proposed changes and alleged that using bulletproof glass at their business has helped to save their life and protect them in the workplace. Some of them can remember back to specific instances where they were threatened and told that something violent would have happened to them if the glass wasn't in place to protect them.

As well, no one is forcing people to go into those businesses and seek out an exchange. In the mind of some of the business owners then, if someone doesn't like dealing with the bulletproof glass then they always do have the freedom and the option available to them to go elsewhere.

Some critics of the changes have pointed out that this sort of restriction on bulletproof glass appears to violate the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights which ensures the right of the people to defend their life, liberty, and property.

As far as crime goes in Philadelphia, they are allegedly above the national average and their murder rate this year is allegedly up roughly 20 percent; though there is a downward crime trend that's been reported over the past few years. At the moment, they are currently seeing lower crime rates than they have seen in decades.

When it comes to the murder rate seeing an uptick, police have said that one of the biggest motives behind that increase in the murder rate is arguments between people.

So there is no surprise that many fear the removal of the bulletproof glass in that it might establish more of an unsafe working environment for them. Opening them up for the potential to be seriously physically injured while trying to serve those in their community.

The Philadelphia city council's Public Health and Human Services Committee are the ones who are responsible for passing the new bill. And the hope is that the new changes are going to clean up the corners where these beer deli's are located. But is requiring new licenses and removing bulletproof glass really going to resolve addiction and loitering issues in the community?

For right now, the changes are going to be left up to the Department of Licenses and Inspection and they could decide on the bulletproof glass (whether or not to outright ban it etc) anytime between now and January 2021.

Max Marin via Philly Weekly /



What a ridiculous bill to try and pass! They're fucking idiots, and their reasoning is that 'it promotes indignity', what a joke! I'd love to see any protection they enjoy taken away, they wouldn't have that though would they, pricks!

DEAR GOV STOP flighting middle class people !!
Let them live .
Are they not allowed to work in a safe environment , because as u may know crimes are only going up !
Violance on TV , racism , the trump administration are only rising this insanity and destroying our wonderful country .
Please focus on making free university and better education to stop this insanity from yhe roots , that's what u should consider instead of this .

Scary stuff. We need this glass. I had a couple friends robbed and almost stabbed when I was a kid and we were all working at a gas station.

Everyone has the right to be safe at work.

thank you, have gained something new and salute the originality of this story may be useful, so that life is more useful and useful for others. Your article is very inspirational may be useful for many people

I see you paste this exact same comment repeatedly. I am sick of vermin pretending to actually contribute to the conversation with such feeble tricks. It is actually impossible to differentiate the moron from the machine when pastes of generic BS replace human discourse. Society will have to eliminate both to survive, and you are exemplifying why.

You may find it challenging to comment substantively. I can appreciate that. I would find it admirable were you to express your actual thoughts while overcoming challenges to do so. Instead of doing something admirable, you have done this execrable thing.

I will point out that I am certainly not the only person that has noted this type of comment, devoid of substance, pretending to be relevant. Some people will be so offended they will flag you for it.

I would have been hard-pressed not to had you self-voted this vapid ruse.

I highly recommend you cease this practice, if you want to actually participate on Steemit - actually participate.

Peace be upon you.

It's a shame what types of changes were living through.. silly politics :/ wasteful energy. Thankyou for being political and posting content like this. hopefully we can change the world one post at a time. for me, i try to do it through my songwriting. Lets do it together!

thanks for the info

Good info.thanks

Wonderful topic

once again "lawmakers" are waaay off track! Maybe they should stick to Natural Law - I don't see where customers are being stolen from - if they "feel" it is undignified to talk through bullet-proof glass - then let them shop somewhere ELSE - give me a BREAK - this sounds like the mind controllers want to be able to shoot up the place if they want to - really??? There is NO authority other than Natural Law and the Creator.

Good grief! Let the proposers of this bill do an apprenticeship of several weeks working in one of these places and see if they still promote such idiotecy!