Let's Talk Politics and the U.S. 2016 Election

in #politics8 years ago

Let's Talk Politics!

First Topic: The U.S. Presidential Election

Topics for Discussion

  • Who is going to win the Democrat and Republican Primaries? Does Donald Trump have it sewn up?
  • Is Hillary Clinton the evil liar that everyone but her campaign staff makes her out to be, or is she just another mainstream politician who has been in the political cross hairs for far too long?
  • Are Bernie Sanders's policies a wishlist from a Utopian poppy dream, or can they actually be adopted in the U.S. as they have in many other countries around the world?
  • Is Donald Trump a Manchurian Candidate, planted by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other elite Democrat Illuminati with mind control machines, or is he just a left of center Republican who thinks he can actually change the U.S. political system?
  • How badly will Ted Cruz lose to Donald Trump?
  • Let's hear your VP picks!

Like him or hate him, but Trump could not have most of the popular votes, if he wasn't voted the most by general public. In short, he is the voice behind majority of voters.

Will he get elected? Anything can happen, politics is a shady business.
Will he make a good president if he gets elected? Who knows...
Do I want him to get elected? well...I don't want another Clinton or Bush in there that's for sure...

A Clinton super pack is investing 1 Million Dollars to pay trolls to combat Hillary Clinton attackers on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram. Will Steem be ready? (ok, I added that last part)...

The Next News Network

At least Jeb Bush dropped out. This is funny, I love it when Luck goes off like this. This is all about the Dealer / Sociopath Jeb Bush...

Your questions are non sequitors. We will install who we want and program the voting machines as we see fit. We buy the laws and politicians and you have no say. Rant all you want about a rigged system.

Consider yourself lucky to be living in our country.

Donald, You could get 90% of the vote and we'll put in Paul Ryan if we want him.


As far as predictions go, the only real question in my mind is if Trump will be able to get the delegates for a first ballot win. Trump will almost certainly win the popular vote, and if convention tomfoolery results in a different candidate being the Republican nominee then I think it will marginalize millions of Republicans.

I don't see the math working for Sanders. The democrats have no winner take all primaries, and I don't see him taking the 75ish% of the remaining delegates he would need to offset Hillary's super delegate advantage. I would be surprised if he beat her in the popular vote.

Sanders having a third or more of the delegates going into the convention will have an effect on the general election though. You will see the Democratic platform shift to the left. This would allow a nominee Trump to take the center, while discussing how Hillary has spent decades covering up her husbands rapes.

If Trump wins the nomination I think he is the next president. Any other Republican and I think Clinton will take it. Oh well. At least we know we wont get another Bush.

What makes you say you won't get another Bush?

Trump seems likely to be similar or even worse than Bush to me, in terms of alienating the rest of the world with his policies and being an all around loose cannon. The likelihood of him starting a war as a means of distraction from the real problems inside the US seems fairly high, and even it doesn't come to outright war he seems pretty likely to at least majorly piss off most of his allies and certainly those he considers "enemies", like the Mexicans.

Once again let me preface this by saying I am not a Trump supporter, and I have no intention of voting for him. I just think he is the best choice out of a series of terrible choices.

Of course we can never be sure what these assholes will do once they are in power. I am making a few assumptions based upon previous behavior. I don't see Trump starting a war as a distraction. While that is a pretty standard political trick, we haven't seen him act in any standard political way. If his goal was to not have bad things said about him he would not be running for president in the first place, and would not be as honest as he is.

His stance towards Nato, Russia, and the middle east is the closest to reasonable I have ever seen from someone that actually had a chance to become president. I believe that bringing our troops home from some of the 100+ countries they are based in around the world would dramatically reduce the likelihood of war. I further believe that Trump is the only candidate likely to dial back the American empire in any meaningful way.

If the American empire is dialed back, fewer Americans are overseas, fewer drones are in the skies, and fewer hellfire missiles are streaking through the air it should have a positive impact on Americas status in the minds of others.

Beyond that peoples reaction to Trump throughout the world should be a pretty good indication of who is capable of rational thought, and who is controlled purely by "the Feels"

It appears that Hillary has already been selected by the elites. The entire election process is a charade that gives "the people" an impression that they actually shape the outcome of presidential elections. Trump is nothing more than an entertaining side show. In short, this country is screwed.

They are all scary non-choices. That said, it appears that Donald Trump has done the most to shatter the illusion of objectivity in the media. If I was forced to vote for one of the above, then Trump would get my vote. We shall see if the Republican Party will let that happen.

I agree 100% here dan.
To keep it simple. I vote for trump because the media seems to be in an all out war with itself over him, the Rhinepublican party is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, Kim Jong-Un hates him and Saudi Arabia is freaking out about his interest in declassifying the 28 pages of the 9/11 report which supposedly implicate them for the 9/11 attack on the twin towers...
He is pissing them off so much I have a hard time not wanting to vote for the guy simply on those merits alone. However, it is always possible he is just another liar and puppet who will continue on with the status quo after the pageantry of electioneering has given way to the realities of steering the ship.

If you want to know what I really think, though, is with things like follow my vote I really do not see much of a need for representatives anymore for any reason other than perhaps to delegate authority in the case you do not have the expertise or interest in self governance in a particular set of areas. We could vote for entire networks of people to represent us in the future....

I don't vote, but I find the race very interesting.

Trump is so terrible on trade and privacy, but by far the best on foreign policy. Voting for the candidate that you think is least likely to kill millions of people around the globe is an attractive idea. I almost voted for Obama in 08 because McCain was such a scary warhawk. I appreciate Trump the most because of how he has shown the social justice warriors in the media to be nothing but a paper tiger. Also you can almost tell how brainwashed people are by their reaction to him. Its almost like an IQ test.

Hillary is evil, but she knows how to play the game, and unless you were a threat to her and she had to make you disappear, then chances are things wouldn't be that bad.

Cruz is almost as bad domestically as Trump, and far far worse in foreign policy. Since presidents have far greater control of foreign policy than they do over domestic policy, the result of a Cruz presidency would probably be similar to a Clinton presidency. Same old same old.

Bernie Sanders is a different monster altogether. He wants to get money out of politics, by giving away tons of free shit to people that vote for him. The efficacy of his ideas is limited even in small homogeneous countries. They would be a disaster in the US. Once again he would only be able to get so much past congress.

Ultimately I think they are all horrible, and giving any of them power over others enforced by violence is evil. All four of them would happily preside over a state that would murder me if I sufficiently resisted their graft.

I can understand the argument that the slaves will vote for the master that beats them the least, but I won't be taking part. I am reminded of, of all things.

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of
acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”

Noam Chomsky


"A man is none the less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years."

Lysander Spooner

This post pretty much mirrors my sentiment. How the hell you accomplished that puppies, I will never know. I actually thought for a moment that this is something I would have written...lol.

Trump is certainly better in foreign policy. At least this is how we view him in Asia. Most would prefer Trump with the exception of the higher authorities in China.

If I may give an advice: Instead of not voting, you should invalidate your vote (if possible). That way, you cast a vote to not agree with any candidate.

Let me add the european point of view ;)

First: the public

We're not really introduced to the promises you get from the different candidates, all the media gives us are vague feelings for them.

Their favorite is Clinton, by far. She's a democrat woman, who needs more than two reasons to vote for someone? Sanders isn't mentioned much, and if it's only because he won a poll. Sometimes he's presented as the good guy in this race, but not without mentioning that he doesn't stand a chance.

On the republican side, Trump is the troll and all the others are just statists. I think the republicans still suffer from the murderous image Bush Jr. stamped - not only in Europe.

So what's my personal opinion? I'd go for Sanders. Not because of the promises, but because of the different candidates' histories and principles. Clinton is a puppet, standing for nothing but what suits her best. Trump can't be calculated - I expect him to agree to everything which brings him a financial profit. But Sanders voting history on important issues impresses me, especially his stance against the wars. And I share his antipathy against big finance.

I may have to add that I don't know anything about the other guys, Cruz and whatever they're called. As an anarchist, I usually don't agree with a lot of conservative viewpoints, and if one of them would be an exceptional candidate I think I'd have heard about it by now.

people think bernie would put us further into debt, but I have to say that legalizing (and taxing) marijuana alone would free up hundreds of billions yearly across america.
I tend to think that coupled with a huge drop in the prison industrial complex could make for a great step toward kickstarting the economy.

i love the European view. When I was travelling around Asia and told people I was from America, I learned so much about perceptions of americans.

From the point of a foreigner who lives in the US currently, one of the problem of here is inequality and social safety net IMO. Poor public medical service is one of the example--in Korea, I paid only $50 for using emergency room, while here maybe costs over $500 or $5000.

If Trump wins, I think this unstable and unequal system will be exacerbated, which turns in the crisis of the US from its inside in the future. But who knows... this is just my two cents.

Disclaimer: I'm a fan of Robert Reich

monkey see monkey do

Whether Bernie delivers or not, the passion he ignites in the youth is a force to be reckoned with.

Who is going to talk about chemtrails?

You and me buddy. =)

And Ed Griffin...

Prince leading up to his death...