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RE: There is a Coup Underway Against President Trump

in #politics7 years ago

All I can say after reading that is "WOW" .!.!.!

What a total load of crap.!.!.!

Almost every argument you make is outright wrong and the supporting evidence is comical - I say almost because even a broken clock is right twice a day... Oh thats right, I forgot these are "Alternative Facts"


I noticed, a few hours ago that, YOU- drdave were a new follower of mine.
I and now.....U R MUTED !
U R A Waste-of-Space & a Troll !!
Bye-bye !!!

I resemble that accusation - oh wait, you forgot to mention - Im totally right... Just like all Trumpanzees, you cant take any criticism without getting all butt hurt ... SAD...!!!