
yeah, I could listen to this interview over and over again, her questions really are completely absurd.

in fact, the whole argument is completely ludicrous, and I'd have a hard time even believing this would make mainstream news if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... "why won't you use my pronouns?!" ... lol Sadly, I suppose it's just another despicable sign of the extent to which our society has devolved. Truly, something I'd expect right out of the movie "Idiocracy".

I've been sort of binge-watching a bunch of his material and interviews, he's just right on the money on so many key issues. If you have a chance, you may also enjoy the following "best moments" video:

Please keep it up!

Wow, this conversation kindof gives m a headache...because she isn't actually listening. It is like two conversations and he has to keep going back and repeating himself.
But then he isn't much better because he is toying with her a bit, when it is clear she isn't grasping what he is saying.

I now know why people drink ;)