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RE: Modern slavery: The human as a productive factor.

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

True. People ignore in their everyday life what they do not dare to look at. But are you not mistaken if you believe that people do not see everything that is going on in the world? Everyone suffers when you suffer.

Do you not rather want to pacify your mind and your heart in the face of what you were through? It seems to me that you continue what you have experienced. It looks to me as if you want humanity to die. I cannot do much with it when you speak of a duty to God. What do you mean by that? If you are not committed to yourself to live the principles of humanity, God does not matter.

The commandments are universal, everyone understands them. Don't kill, don't hurt others, don't steal, don't lie, etc. These principles would not be needed if we lived in a world where they are respected. If all people would live according to them, we would have paradise on earth. You know and I know and everyone else knows that this is not reality. You have felt the full heat of hatred. It seems to me as if you now want to strike back with all the cold that you are capable of. Only your tormentors are no longer tangible and everyone else is not interested?

Your repetition of the existing shameful deeds help neither you nor those who read here what inability characterizes the human being. On the contrary, you contribute to the pain not being forgotten and pain becoming identification. The pain is real and I feel deep compassion for what you have suffered. But don't underestimate the destructive power and hopelessness that the recipients of your comments have to deal with.

I am neither enlightened nor always strong. I meet a lot of people who use the Internet to turn their pain into gloomy predictions. Your grief hits me particularly hard.

What can you do yourself if you don't want to own anything? Nobody is holding you back from pacifying your soul except yourself, are they not?

I fully agree with the fact that I come with nothing and I go with nothing. But I am not sure, if we do mean the same.

How ever. I wish you love and peace and feel that we are both humans.


Why does a man need to pacify his mind and heart? The Orient has the Tai Chi symbol of Yin and Yang, which many assume is an exhortation towards balance, or harmony. Many in the West have also adopted this balance to life perspective, expending energy into quelling the storms of their life. True Tai Chi form functions when, and only when, the tension of Yin and Yang are intensified to produce intended effect. The Yin, or the heaviness, is pushed towards the earth, while the Yang, or the lightness, is floated towards the heavens. Life occurs in controlled tension between Yin and Yang, water and fire. When life attains balance and passivity, it usually indicates death.

Man is capable of great good, kindness, and wisdom. The long list of saints from Benedict to Pius X indicate the ability of men to rise beyond their beastly natures. Yet, man is also a creature with tendency towards infinite evil. The longer list of worldly tyrants to petty criminals accuse humanity of their beastly nature. Both these realities are principles of humanity. Can a man truly claim to understand his fellow man, while ignoring one-half of man's nature? Even the great atheist Nietzsche wrote that man is a rope stretched between the animal and the uebermensch.

The commandments are universal, everyone understands them. Don't kill, don't hurt others, don't steal, don't lie, etc. These principles would not be needed if we lived in a world where they are respected.

If these commandments are, as you postulate, universal, then by what compulsion would our creator seek to encode it in stone? It would be as farcical as giving instructions on sleeping, eating, and mating. Instructions and commandments are provided because such concepts are foreign to those, to whom such instructions are given.

The compulsion of God, to love thy neighbor as yourself, is precisely difficult because despite the beastly nature of humanity, we must extend curtesy and friendship to our fellow man and to ourselves. We must envision our own sainthood, despite our beastly nature. But all this only within the sphere of influence my station allows; human history is filled with hubris of men, reaching beyond their station, to deliver heaven upon their unsuspecting neighbors and creating hell.

Peace of Christ be with you and your family.
