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RE: Welcome to the Disinformation Age!

in #politics7 years ago

We should not always believe all the things said in TV, news, or even social media like Facebook or Twitter because they are masters in disinformation. It's particularly hard to find a confident source of information because of restrictions or threats to people who are willing to tell us what can't be said.


See, just no. I'm going to write a post soon on the various conspiracy theories out there but overall the mainstream media is far more trust worthy and unbaised than most alt-news. I give them much more credibilty even just on the fact that they will actually issue corrections and retractions, a lot of alt-media can't ever afford to admit it was wrong. Is there bias, do stories get buried, are inaccuracies reported. YES! Does the MSM actually try as hard as they can to reduce these? Also YES!

I fully subscribe to Hanlon's razor, never attribute to malfeasance what you can attribute to incompetence. Usually if the MSM gets something wrong it's cause they fucked up, it's not because they are the porpaganda wing of the NWO. There are a lot of good journalists doing amazing work out there.

Again, I'm not saying you should believe everything CNN tells you. What I am saying is diversify your sources and aggregate the reporting to find some semblance of the truth. I'm not saying alt-media never gets things right, but they are far less responsible with their reporting than CNN, ABC, BBC, or shit even the former Gawker family of sites.