
They're shocked when he actually does what everyone else is promising. It's like someone's gotta take him aside and say "You don't have to do that, just because you promised, every politician says they'll do it. You can still get elected, most of the people will forget." It's a little strange having elected a principled man as head of the executive branch. @ironshield

I read an NPR piece lamenting how Trump didn't understand that you weren't really supposed to fulfill your campaign promises.

I think the MSM were desperately hoping he would not fulfill his campaign promises, so they can make him look like a dirty politician like everyone else.

When he signed to defer the embassy move to Jerusalem, I thought he was going down that exact path... but then he authorized the move (didn't sign the deferment) and declared Jerusalem the "eternal capital of Israel", exactly his campaign promise. @ironshield

they are pretty screwed if Trump is standing in front of any part of a new Mexican wall in 2019 accepting an oversized novelty check from Mexico.